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    Feb 3, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.1-R3


  • v0.1.0
    • Name change to "Coinz". Sounds cooler :) Thanks to anotherfahlman who suggested it.
    • The second feature mentioned in 0.0.8 called "Hand-over" has been completed. Players can pass coins to each other without dropping them by right-clicking another player with a coin in their hand.
    • The vault has been added!
      • All I need from the community is a crafting recipe idea. I was thinking the shape of a chest/furnace, but out of iron ingots? Thoughts?
      • The vault can only be used for storing coins. Trying to put something else in it just cancels the event. There are 9 slots, one for each coin, starting at copper on the far left and going up to platinum on the far right.
      • Because the method for serializing an itemstack is bugged in the bukkit-API (Until the next release, they made a pull on a fix for it) I have temporarily made my own version very similar to the way they have done it.
      • All that needs to be done for the vault now is to get the security pad to pop up when players place it, and have them enter the passcode they want, and to load it when it is clicked on. Shouldn't be hard, and definitely shouldn't take as long as this update :P
    • Metrics support! For those of you who don't know yet metrics is a really neat website that tracks plugin usage. Check it out at You'll see that Coinz only has 1 server at the moment... and it's not even a real server :P Just the test one I run lol
    • All main features I wanted to put in will soon be in. This means I will soon be out of ideas of what to add to this. I need your ideas! :D
  • v0.0.8
    • Added a new feature I call "Quick deposit". Players can now punch the teller block with a coin in their hand and have it automatically deposited.
    • Starting work on the second new feature. It will allow players to "Hand-over" money to another player.
  • v0.0.7
    • Bug fixes:
      • Added a check to make sure buttons clicked were from this plugin. This was done because an error would appear if you clicked a GUI button from another plugin.
    • Added language support:
      • Ignoring what other people have said, I decided to use the config for languages, simply because its .... simpler and because there are only 8 messages. I will need a config eventually for other things, but for now, it's where language support is held.
  • v0.0.6
    • Bug fixes:
      • Fixed problem preventing people from placing stone on stone
      • Fixed a bug I found myself. When clicking the block under grass/flowers/mushrooms, it would replace them with the teller. It does not anymore.
    • Removed a few debug messages.
    • You'll also probably notice the GUI background is missing. I have removed it while I tinker with the widget positions. This way I only have to re-size my image once
  • v0.0.5
    • Both of the buttons now work and I have yet to find any errors.
    • The plugin is now checking the UUID of the button, and not just the text. In other words, if you have another plugin that has a button that says withdraw, this one won't pick it up.
    • Planning for the payment button has begun. This also means a new layout of the GUI. Which is why you'll notice some overlaying text... Sorry about that :P It'll be fixed soon I promise.
  • v0.0.4
    • I'm releasing this a little sooner then I'd like, but I have to because the last version had an error that I didn't notice.
    • With this version you'll see some of the GUI features have been added. A nice little list is below:
      • Part of the withdraw button has been added. It adds the proper amount of coins but does NOT take any money out. This is because I was trying to complete the deposit button BEFORE I make the withdraw button take money. Otherwise people will take money out and not be able to get it back.
    • There are a bunch of debug messages, just ignore them :P If you find anything else wrong, just let me know so I can fix them ASAP.
  • v0.0.3
    • Textures for the items and blocks are now being loaded from the plugin instead of a URL.
      • This means that server admins can now add their own versions of the texture if they so choose too. All you have to do is open the jar with 7-zip or winrar and copy the texture. Change it to the way you'd like, then copy it back into the jar. Presto, texture changed. Just make sure the name is the exact same, or the change will not occur.
    • Starting to do some of the payment math stuff, but it still isn't ready.
    • The GUI will soon change as well. I'm changing it to contain more then what it contains now.
  • v0.0.2
    • Still working on some math problems
    • Added teller block, right clicking block now opens the GUI
    • Added a crafting recipe for the teller, find it on the recipes page
    • Added checks when the block is placed:
      • No longer places the block when opening trap doors, or anything like that.
    • Remove the key binding for the GUI
    • Planning the movement of all textures to a single .png file. Something like the texture.png file minecraft uses
  • v0.0.1
    • The initial release: All features and details are in the OP, which I'll be keeping as up-to-date as possible.
    • Gui isn't completely done, this is just a temp place until I can get someone to design something much much nicer for me.
    • Buttons on Gui are not complete yet, so they don't actually work

* Wooden doors:
** Wooden doors will not close when your holding the teller block and attempt to close it. Pretty sure this has something to do with it's state, will focus on it later.

* GUI:
** There is an overlap in the GUI screen text. Fully aware of it, and easily fixable, I am just waiting to design a better background texture that will hold all future widgets

* Textures
** One tiny issue I have noticed, is sometimes it won't load all the textures when a player joins. I'm currently looking into this but I think it may be a spout bug. If this does happen to you or a player, remain calm. Just disconnect from the server and re-join, and all should be fixed. See? Not THAT big of an issue

* Destroying vaults
** When a vault is destroyed, you'll probably notice a huge error. Ignore it. I know it looks bad and evil and stuff, but it isn't causing any harm as far as I can see, and my method to drop the coins still works properly after it. I'm trying to track down the issue but so far no luck...