Items disappear from dropbox when sent to a full mailbox #11

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to ebiggz
  • _ForgeUser24441849 created this issue Apr 25, 2016

    Briefly describe the issue:
    When a player has a full mailbox you cannot send them any more mail, but you don't always know this until you send the mail. When sending a package to someone with a full mail box you get the message that it wasn't sent because the other player has a full inbox but when you go into the dropbox to get the items out again it is gone.

    Are there steps that will reproduce the problem? (Leave blank if this is not applicable)
    1. Have a player with a full mailbox.
    2. Put an item in the dropbox to send.
    3. select package then send the same player the package.
    4.Be told it could not send
    5.Open dropbox and not see item

    What are you expecting to happen?
    In a future update that sending the package to another player with a full inbox the item will stay in your dropbox instead of disapearing.

    What version of PostalService and Bukkit/Spigot are you using?
    PostalService v1.0.6
    CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-5f38d38-18fbb24 (MC: 1.8.8)

    Please provide any errors and config files using or
    Link to error log (If any):
    Link(s) to applicable file(s): current config of PostalService being used, list of plugins currently enabled

    Notice: If you post your error log or file contents straight into this ticket, it will be marked as invalid.

  • _ForgeUser24441849 added the tags New Defect Apr 25, 2016

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