PixelGym v4.0


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  • Uploaded
    Oct 2, 2015
  • Size
    37.86 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8


Hey guys, so after quite a long time i have finally added a decent amount of updates to the plugin!

So to start of briefly, here are the new features:

- Commented/Guided Config
- Added Join messages (Ability to disable in config)
- Added Config option to enable/disable "/gym heal" for gym leaders.
- Added ability in config to totally disable the Scoreboard (Requested)
- Added /addleader command to automatically give a user the required permissions (More info further down)
- Added the long awaited Elite 4.
- Configurable level's of the elite 4 (similar to the gym configurations)
- Plugin is now split into 3 main commands; /gym (Gym commands), /e4 (Elite 4 commands) & /pixelgym (Admin Commands)
- Moved /gym reload to /pixelgym reload
- Added a new command to check your current main config settings (Join messages, Scoreboard active, Leader healing, Elite 4 enabled & Permissions plugin being used).

+ Other little fixes and enhancements like:
- When all 4 Elite 4 levels are open, a one time broadcast appears saying that all elite 4 level's are open.

New Commands:

- /e4 - Tells you all of the elite 4 commands
- /e4 list - Lists all of the Elite 4 level's and if they are open or not.
- /e4 rules <e4#> - Displays the rules for each elite 4 level
- /e4 open <e4#> - Open a particular Elite 4 level, (e41, e42, e43 or e44)
- /e4 close <e4#> - Close a particular Elite 4 level
- /e4 heal - Heals an Elite 4 leader's pokemon.
- /pixelgym reload - Reloads the config
- /pixelgym checkconfig - Checks the current main config settings (Join messages, Scoreboard active, Leader healing, Elite 4 enabled & Permissions plugin being used).
- /e4 closeall - Closes all elite 4 level's.

Adding leaders and removing leaders:

One of the best new features is that you can now add a gym leader or E4 leader by typing:
/pixelgym addleader (username) <gym#>
/pixelgym addleader (username) <e4#>
or to remove a leader,
/pixelgym delleader (username) <gym#/e4#>

# = a number. For example a working command would be:
/pixelgym addleader ABkayCkay gym5
This would make me a gym5 leader. Gym5 leaders by default are Poison Leaders.

But how does it add the user as a leader?
Well, as the plugin has always been. It is based off of Permissions.
Leaders require two permissions;
pixelgym.leader & pixelgym.gym# (# = a number)

So, for this to work when you type:
/pixelgym addleader (username) <gym#/e4#>

It has to Sudo a command through the console using a permission system's user permission commands. So, what do you need to do?

You need to go into the PixelmonGym config and set which permissions plugin you are using.
The plugin supports the three most popular permission plugins out there; PermissionsEX, GroupManager and BPermissions.

So, in the config set the permission plugin you use to "True" and the other two to "False".
Then when you use the /pixelgym addleader or /pixelgym delleader command, it will automatically do the commands via console that it needs to do to add the permissions to the user.

If you don't understand anything with this, leave a comment and ill get back to you!