My suggestions/problems #1

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7037478
  • Mrstealthecat created this issue Feb 27, 2013

    The enhancement/ me likely not knowing what I'm doing...

    There should be a way to state the name of the player
    EX: Welcome to the server MYSTIC_SPIRIT12!
    Welcome to the server Mr. Potato!

    The Problems...

    For my problem, whenever I restart the server, the config. resets or something.
    EX: In the game/server list it would show the pre-loaded MOTD and only that.
    While in the FTP it would show all of the MOTD's I came up with. I've retyped all of them around five times
    so far for restarting to fix any bugs.
    If I'm just being a complete moron and not finding my flaw please help me at least, Thanks!

  • Mrstealthecat added the tags New Enhancment Feb 27, 2013

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