Treasure Chests #228

  • New
Assigned to blablubb
  • _ForgeUser9493103 created this issue Jan 5, 2014

    Hello paintball devs,

    I'm using this paintball plugin for a while now and its really amazing :).
    But since i am hosting these paintball events in special war maps.
    i actually would like to have a special treasure / ammo chests which contain an amount of extra ammo and / or weapons,
    these chests should be reset each round.
    It would be really awesome if you could implement this in the plugin.

    Thanks in advance,

  • _ForgeUser9493103 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 5, 2014
  • blablubb posted a comment Jan 5, 2014

    I also was already thinking of adding some sort of "powerups" which are placed somewhere in the arena and can be picked up. So I guess this would fit as well (instead of having chests for that).

    I remember this idea, but I can't tell you when I will have the opportunity to add this in.

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