Is There A Mysql? #207

  • Accepted
Assigned to blablubb
  • _ForgeUser11197113 created this issue Sep 21, 2013

    As the title suggest is there a mysql database for this plugin to sync servers together?
    And if not will there ever be one?
    I like this plugin a lot but i can't seem to find a way to sync player data so people on my server who play can play without having to start over on a different server if the server they already go on is full

  • _ForgeUser11197113 added the tags New Enhancment Sep 21, 2013
  • blablubb posted a comment Sep 21, 2013

    To answer your question: no, there is currently no mysql option.

    I am about to change great parts of the plugin over the next months to make it more flexible. During that progress I will also have to re-think, how the different kinds of playerdata will be stored in the future.

    MySQL support is already planned for a long time. However, I do not want to add that in, before I am mostly done with that restructuring.

  • blablubb removed a tag New Sep 21, 2013
  • blablubb added a tag Accepted Sep 21, 2013
  • _ForgeUser11197113 posted a comment Sep 22, 2013

    @blablubbabc: Go

    ok thank you for answering

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