v0.0.8 PRE-ALPHA


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  • Uploaded
    Aug 28, 2014
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2
  • 1.7.2
  • 1.6.4


v0.0.8 - [fixes and prep (pre-alpha)]

  • Fixed more item-updates & detector toggling!
    - Swapping out an active OD-item from the quickbar using mouse + number keys fixed.
    - Shift-clicking to move an active OD-item out of the quickbar fixed.
    - Moving an active OD-item and placing it down in an empty non-quickbar slot fixed.
    - Swapping by placing down an active OD-item in an occupied non-quickbar slot fixed.
    - Dragging an active OD-item into a non-quickbar slot fixed.
  • Fixed visual glitches (e.g. ghost-ingredients) if crafting several detectors at once.
  • Changed "color.NoUseMsg" to "DenyUse.color" and changed the default color to Gold.
    - If upgrading from v0.0.7 you can manually delete the old value.
    ...(normally I'd implement automatic config upgrading, but this is pre-alpha.)
  • Added a little "tinkering" sound to the DenyUse-message.
    - Can be turned off in config.yml ["DenyUse.sound"] (true/false)
  • Activating a stack of several detectors will automatically try to split the stack.
    - When performed splitting is accompanied by a sound and a lore-friendly message.
    ...message customizable in lang.ingame.yml ["detector.AutoSplitSuccess"]
    ...color customizable in config.yml ["StackSplit.success.color"]
    ...sound can be turned off in config.yml ["StackSplit.success.sound"]
    - If it fails item wont activate (also has sound and lore-friendly message).
    ...message customizable in lang.ingame.yml ["detector.AutoSplitFail"]
    ...color customizable in config.yml ["StackSplit.fail.color"]
    ...sound can be turned off in config.yml ["StackSplit.fail.sound"]
    - This is done in preparation for when the detectors have energy charge!
  • Fixed a bug related to loading longs (affected "advanced.detectors.MinAsyncTicks").
    - Loading config.yml file should no longer write to disk unless needed!
  • Done some more internal code changes in preparation for coming features...

v0.0.7 - [permissions (pre-alpha)]

  • Added permissions!
    - Each detector has a 'craft' and a 'use' permission.
    - "oredetectors.detector.*.craft" allows crafting of all detectors.
    - "oredetectors.detector.*.use" allows usage of all detectors.
    - Detectors are still hard-coded, and permission names are:
    ...iron, redstone, gold, lapis, diamond, emerald.
    ...for example: "oredetectors.detector.gold.craft"
    ...(when detectors become fully configurable permission names will be too.)
    - If a user lacks permission to use a detector a customizable message will be displayed.
    ...message customizable in lang.ingame.yml (rename/copy lang.ingame.template.yml)
    ...(instead of a boring "no permission"-message the default aims for more immersion.)
  • Added some new config values:
    - "permissiondefault.Craft" the PermissionDefault for detector crafting.
    - "permissiondefault.Use" the PermissionDefault for detector usage.
    ...valid values are "true", "false", "op", "!op" (...and a few aliases of those).
    ...note that these are currently applied to each detector + the asterisk permissions!
    ...(will have a per-detector setting eventually.)
    - "advanced.detectors.MinAsyncTicks" - minimum tick difference between search -> blip.
    ...I don't recommend touching this unless you look at the source and understand what it does!
    - "advanced.detectors.BlipScale" - scales the relation between score and blip level.
    ...(will probably become a per-detector setting eventually.)
    - "color.NoUseMsg" - color for the no-permission-to-use-detector message.
  • Added a few new variables to the language files...
  • Some internal code changes in preparation for coming features...

v0.0.6 - [adaptive scheduling (pre-alpha)]

  • Added partial language support (names of detectors not configurable yet).
  • Added mcStats.
  • Added adaptive async block-search scheduling delays.
    - Measures required time for async tasks and dynamically adjusts scheduler delays.
    - Result: minimal delay between computation and display of the ore-score.
    - Async task time is debuggable with new config setting "debug.AsyncTicks"
  • Fixed bed-blocks missing from list of interactive blocks (non-toggle-right-click).
  • Fixed a LOT of item-updates & detector toggling!!
    - Activating a second OD when a previous OD is still active now correctly deactivates the previous OD-item and activates the new OD.
    - Changing world now deactivates the OD (if any OD is active).
    - Dying now deactivates the OD (if any OD is active).
    - Quitting now correctly deactivates the OD-item (if any OD is active).
    - Entering a bed now deactivates the OD (if any OD is active).
    - Dropping an active OD-item on the ground now deactivates the dropped item.
    - Disabling the plugin now deactivates all OD (e.g. server shutdown / reload).
    - Activation and deactivation now works correctly with multiple stacks of the same OD-item.
    - Fast spamming of activation & deactivation should work correctly now.

v0.0.5 - [range nerfs (pre-alpha)]

  • Adds redstone detector.
  • Ranges nerfed! (still hard-coded)
    - iron and redstone: 7
    - gold and lapis: 6
    - diamond and emerald: 5
  • Some code improvements...

v0.0.4 - [initial (pre-alpha) release]

  • Adds iron, gold, lapis, diamond and emerald detectors.
    - (iron and gold crafted using ore blocks, others crafted using items)
  • Range is hard-coded to an 8 block radius (sphere shape).
  • Block searches performed in the background to avoid lag.
  • Only one detector allowed to be active at a time per player.
  • Detector async task activation/deactivation spam protected.

Aside from some features not implemented yet... None!