Ressurection Stone and Expecto Patronum #20

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7013278
  • _ForgeUser9638381 created this issue Jul 28, 2014

    As I was using the Ollivander's plugin, I thought of some ways to implement the resurrection stone and the spell, expecto patronum.

    Resurrection stone: This item, which can be changed in the config, will, when clicked, not only remove itself from your inventory, but
    it will also "Resurrect" the amount of spell experience you had for all your spells the last time you died, and gives you those for a small
    amount of time. Example: The player have 58 spell exp on all of it's spells, and the player die, and it's exp is reset to 0. The player uses
    the resurrection stone, and gains his 58 spell exp back to all his spells for a limited amount of time.

    Expecto Patronum: When the spell is cast, it shoots out ice particles. It will only effect 1 certain mob, which takes place as the dementor,
    and the mob can be changed in the config. When it is cast at the configured mob, the mob gets knockbacked many blocks (a lot of blocks).
    If the spell is cast at a mob that is not the configured mob, then it has no effect on the mob.

    Feel free to ask any questions, or edit this to your liking :D


  • _ForgeUser9638381 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 28, 2014
  • _ForgeUser15483132 posted a comment Jul 28, 2014

    Resurrection stone is to bring back people, and expecto patronum is supposed to be summoning an animal? Do you propose to leave them out/think game play will be okay without them?

  • _ForgeUser9638381 posted a comment Jul 28, 2014

    @iarepande: Go

    Actually, the resurrection stone is to resurrect the dead. How would you resurrect a dead player? You can't. Thats why you would resurrect a part of your self which has previously died, and left behind when you died last. And for expecto patronum, it is to ward of the terrifying beasts, Dementors, creating a white-ish whispy 'product' to be ejected out the end of your wand that takes the form of an animal, not to summon one. It will be pretty hard to make that form into an animal / mob, but it will be possible to ward of dementors with such a spell. Since there are no dementors in minecraft, why not let server owners choose which mob could play the role of a dementor?

    Edited Jul 28, 2014
  • _ForgeUser15483132 posted a comment Jul 28, 2014

    @Nuklear_Tahqo: Go

    Sounds cool. I'm just curious cause I know my users do expecto to find their patronum. And you technically cool resurrect a dead person in theory XD It's just a bit more complicated that using the stone.

    EDIT: What I mean to say is you could 'summon' a dead user's body if they had recently done a death message or something / do a DNA spell of sorts to summon a ghost version of them like other plugins have that are NPC's, since in the movie technically the dead people were figments of Harry's mind.

    Edited Jul 28, 2014
  • _ForgeUser9638381 posted a comment Jul 29, 2014

    @iarepande: Go

    I am not too sure about your resurrection stone idea, but you have sparked a thought. Maybe, the first time you use Expecto Patronum, out of all the mobs (or animals) it randomly chooses one to be your patronus, which will be shot from your wand, surrounded by block particles of some block, and once the spell hits a target, the mob despawns. Your spell exp can determine how long your patronus can stay active, as it is a very difficult charm to master, so you need more exp to make it last longer (therefore going a longer distance, so with enough exp it will reach it's target). The rest of the spell is explained in the ticket, how I picture it should work

    Cheers, Hybrid

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