
This plugin allows you to create custom items, with custom names and lores, which can execute commands on different events.


  • Create items with custom names and lores (color codes supported)
  • These items can execute commands on different events
  • They can execute commands as the player that used it or as the console (change from the config file)
  • Use the name of the player that uses the item inside the command (with <user>)
  • Use the name of the player or mob that got clicked on (only for rightclickentityevent or damageentityevent) inside the command (with <clicked>)
  • Use multiple-lined lores using "&&" (without quotes) for a new line
  • Create global items (see "What are global items?" below)
  • Create single-use items
  • Use data values for items
  • Execute multiple commands on one event using " && " (without quotes) to split them

Please read the Features list, carefully, as it contains details about what the plugin can do, and how to use those. If you have a question, it's likely that the answer might be there (or somewhere else on this page).


By default, only OPs have these permissions.

  • myitems.create
  • myitems.setlore
  • myitems.setcommand
  • myitems.get
  • myitems.use.<ItemName>
  • myitems.list
  • myitems.delete


  • /mi - Help page
  • /mi get <name> [playername] - Get an item
  • /mi list - List the items
  • /mi create <name> <display name> <item ID> [-g] [-s] - Create a new item. If you use the -g flag, the item becomes global. If you use the -s flag, it becomes a single-use item
  • /mi setlore <name> <lore> - Set the lore of an item
  • /mi setcommand <name> <event> <command> - Set the command to be executed on certain events (see below) for an item
  • /mi delete <name> - Delete an item


  • leftclickevent (Event Group)
    • damageentityevent - When you hit another player or a mob
    • leftclickblockevent - When you left-click a block
    • leftclickairevent - When you left-click in the air
  • rightclickevent (Event Group)
    • rightclickentityevent - When you right-click another player or a mob
    • rightclickblockevent - When you right-click a block
    • rightclickairevent - When you right-click in the air
  • consumeevent - When you eat the item (only for food)
  • blockplaceevent - When you place a block
  • holdevent - When you first hold the item
  • throwevent - When you throw the item (only for throwable items such as snowballs)
  • bedenterevent - When you enter a bed

More events will be added later (give me some ideas).

What are global items?

Let's say you create an item (using "/mi create") that's not global, and set the commands for it. If this item has the ID of a dirt block, it won't change the behavior of a normal dirt block. Normal dirt blocks won't execute commands, but the dirt block you get with "/mi get" will.

Now, if that's how non-global items are, you can probably guess what global items are. You create an item (using "/mi create") which is global, and set the commands for it. It has the ID of a dirt block. The dirt block you get with "/mi get" will execute commands, however, every other dirt block in minecraft will also be able to execute the same commands.


If you find one, submit a ticket.

Upcoming Features:

  • itembreakevent
  • Enchanted items
  • Craftable items
  • Permissions override with items (execute as OP)
  • Make a flag that allows to cancel the event
  • Configurable no permission message
  • Allow stopping the normal behavior of items in a MyItems event

If you want a feature added, submit a ticket.

Note: If you have a question, read everything again, very carefully, to make sure your question isn't something that was answered here. If you still can't figure it out, post it in the comments.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 12, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Mar 27, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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