Ressurection Passes #141

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to kitskub
  • _ForgeUser18760003 created this issue Jan 24, 2015

    I'm currently wondering if it's possible that you add Ressurection Passes into this Plugin.

    I'm new to this plugin, and by what I see, this feature is currently not implemented.

    What Will This Feature Implement?

    This Plugin would implement Ressurection Passes ( obviously ), and with this, when someone dies ( and they have passes ), they'd be ressurected from the dead and have to hunt after their killer. All the other players may kill them, but he/she can only kill who killed them.

    I hope this is enough information, and if so, I'd love if it was implemented.

  • _ForgeUser18760003 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 24, 2015

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