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    Sep 4, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.3.2-R0.1



IMPORTANT: You must be running Bukkit 1.3.2-R0.1 or higher before updating to 1.2.0 or above
Added: Command to unclaim all chunks owned by a specific player
Added: Command to unclaim all chunks in a world
Added: permissions for the above commands


IMPORTANT: You must be running Bukkit 1.3.2-R0.1 or higher before updating to 1.2.0 or above
Added: Configurable automatic chunk expiry after X days with no login/out
Added: New admin command, toggle and permissions for Chunk Expiry management
Fixed: Claimed chunks now protected against piston pushing/pulling
Fixed: Protected paintings can now be broken by players with the .override permission


Added: Unclaimed chunk protection option (/mychunk toggle unclaimed) to ONLY allow constructions etc in claimed chunks
Added: New mychunk.commands.toggle.unclaimed permission (iincluded in mychunk.commands.toggle.*)
Added: protect_unclaimed to config.yml
Fixed: Paintings are now protected
Fixed: Protection against arrows in claimed chunks
Fixed: Infinite loop when checking chunks that contain no blocks (such as in The End)


Added: Permission mychunk.server.special for accessing furnaces, dispensers and brewing stands in serve rowned chunks


A long awaited update with some highly requested features! Fixed: Signs breaking when placed in an owned chunk if you do not have build permission but DO have .override
Fixed: PvP is now disabled in all owned chunks, regardless of who owns it
Added: [AllowMobs] signs so players can allow mobs to spawn in their chunks. (CAUTION: Chunks with AllowMobs set to ON will ALSO allow mobs to hurt players in the chunk!)
Added: Permission based chunk limits (mychunk.claim.max.{max chunks}). If no .max permission is specified, the server default is used.
Added: Config option to state whether players are charged the overbuy price when buying from other players


Fixed: Fire spread in owned chunks (that means all fire spread in owned chunks is stopped for the moment)


SERIOUSLY WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME TODAY! Fixed: Overbuy not working correctly


Added: [Not For Sale] signs (for taking a chunk OFF sale


MAN I'M NOT ON FORM TODAY! :( Fixed: /mychunk toggle overbuy now works!


SORRY FOR THE QUICK RE-RELEASE! Added: Admin command "/mychunk obprice {price}" for setting overbuy price Added: Permission for setting overbuy price


Added: Config option to allow claiming OVER the max chunk limit
Added: Config option for ADDITIONAL charge when overbuying
Added: New toggle commands for overbuy and neighbours
Added: New config command for overbuy price
Added: Overbuy and neigbours settings to /mychunk output
Added; New permission for access to overbuying
Added: New permissions for overbuy and neighbours toggles and overbuy price setting


Added: [For Sale] signs!
Added: New permissions (mychunk.sell and mychunk.buy, both included in mychunk.*)
Added: New config option 'allow_neighbours' to specify if players can claim chunks next to each other (default: false)
Fixed: Zombies now cannot break doors in owned chunks

0.2.4 (RC2)

Added: 'everyone' can now be used instead of '*' for line 2 of [allow] and [disallow] signs (* still works though)
Fixed: [Disallow] signs now work as expected
Fixed: Disallowing flags allowed to everyone now reports an error
Fixed: Some errors caused by chunks.yml not being correctly updated
Fixed: Some signs reporting they have changed permissions when nothing has happened
Tweak: Some messages have been updated for more clarity

0.2.3 (RC1)

First release candidate Added: Protection for furnaces, dispensers and Brewing stands
Added: New flag "S" for 'Special Blocks' (as above)
Fixed: Typo in name of onZombieDoor event
Fixed: Check for 'All Flags' to allow easier addition of newflags in the future


Fixed: Players with insufficient funds still allowed to claim chunks Fixed: MaxChunks not updating correctly on startup Fixed: Settings not being saved on servers without Vault


Added: new "mychunk.override" permission (to bypass chunk protection)
Fixed: NPE when using buckets on the side of blocks
Tweak: Minor changes to handling of maximum chunk limit
Tweak: Minor changes to vault interaction


The one you've all been waiting for!
Added: [Allow] signs to allow chunk sharing
Added: [Disallow] signs to remove chunk sharing
Added: Permission Flags for [Allow] and [Disallow] signs
Added: Chest protection in claimed chunks
Added: Protection from zombies breaking wooden doors in owned chunks
Added: Separate protection for wooden doors/fence gates/hatches in claimed chunks
Added: /mychunk flags command for players to see what flags they can use
Added: Usage tips for commands that are incorrectly completed
Added: mychunk.commands.flags permission
Added: mychunk.server.chests permission
Added: mychunk.server.doors permission
Fixed: [Severe] error caused by lightning igniting blocks in owned chunks
Fixed: All signs may now be placed in owned chunks, but will be removed AFTER completing the sign if the player does not have build rights. This allows the usage of [owner] signs in owned chunks.
Fixed: /mychunk max command
Fixed: mychunk.commands.max permissions is now correctly assigned to players with mychunk.commands.*


Fixed: Server freeze bug caused when a player teleports to a location where one or more chunk corners contain air from floor to ceiling (such as in the End) Fixed: onPlayerTeleport event Listener by making it public rather than private


Fixed: Permission bug which allowed some players to build/break/interact in owned chunks when they were not supposed to.


Fixed: softdened for 'My Worlds' (not MyWorlds)

0.1.1 (beta)

Fixed: Misreporting of "You cannot claim a chunk next to someone else's chunk!"

0.1.0 (beta)

First BETA release Added: Ownership notification when a player teleports into an owned chunk Added: /mychunk max {max_chunks} command Added: mychunk.commands.max permissions node Added: SOFTdependancy for MyWorlds and Multiverse to force any extra worlds to load before MyChunk Added: Restriction on owning chunks directly next top another player (in preparation for adding Town support) Added: Fence Gates to "use" protection Fixed: max_chunks value of 0 not allowing unlimited Fixed: Minor message colouring issues

0.0.3a (alpha)

Added: Maximum chunk limit (configurable)
Added: Announcer when entering owned chunks
Added: Monster spawn protection in owned chunks
Added: PvP protection in owned chunks
Added: mychunk.free permission (No charge or refund)
Added: .unlimited permissions to bypass chunk limit
Fixed: A few bugs to do with protections

0.0.2a (alpha)

Tweak: Dropped to Java6 for backwards compatibility Added: Explosion protection for claimed chunks

0.0.1 (alpha)

First Alpha Test Release!

NOTE: [Allow] and [Disallow] signs are not yet implemented.