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    Jul 16, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.2


Lots of things have been added this update! I have dubbed this The Accessibility Update, as it brings some features which make playing the game and using the plugin easier.

New Systems

  • Banning/Unbanning You can now prevent players from playing Mineopoly! This works just like regular banning. If the player's name is in a text file (<server-dir>/Mineopoly/banned-players.txt) then that player cannot play.
  • Card Variables Chance cards and Community Chest cards can now have different variables! These variables are: %<id> (gets the colored name of the section with the given id), %randomDev (gets a random name from the developers of Minecraft and Bukkit - jeb_, notch, Dinnerbone, or EvilSeph), %randomPlayer (gets a random player's name from someone currently playing Mineopoly, but not the person that drew the card), %randomSection (gets the name of a random section on the board).
  • Game Saving system. You can now save your games to resume later! Typing /mineopoly save <name> will create a file in the saves folder (will be created if it doesn't exist). Do not edit this folder unless you know what you are doing.
  • Sessions If you log off while playing, you will not immediately be kicked from the game. If you have not returned within a certain amount of time (configurable; mineopoly.sessions.session-timeout-minutes), then you will be kicked (from the game).
  • Turn Ending System. Turns can be ended automatically! If the mineopoly.game.automatic-turn-ending option is set to true, a player's turn will automatically end if one of the following things happen: 1) The player lands on a space and they can no longer do anything (for instance, landing on a tax space or square). 2) If the player lands on a space that is already owned. 3) If the player buys a property, their turn will end after the transaction is completed.
  • Win Method. You can now determine how players win! The option to change is mineopoly.game.win-method. By default, it is MONEY, but PROPERTY_AMOUNT and PROPERTY_VALUE are also acceptable. They do not have to be capitalized, it is not case sensitive. MONEY - The player with the most money wins. PROPERTY_AMOUNT - The player with the most property wins. PROPERTY_VALUE - The most valuable player wins. This is determined by a multitude of factors: the cost it too to buy the property (railroad or utility), how many houses it has (if it can have a house) and if it has a hotel.
  • Win Reward You can now set a win reward. If Vault is installed (and you have an economy plugin that Vault supports), then the winning player will be rewarded with your own server's currency. The option is mineopoly.game.reward

New Commands

  • /mineopoly end (ends the game)
  • /mineopoly force-add <player> (adds a player to the current game)
  • /mineopoly game-info (allows you to see some stats of the game)
  • /mineopoly reload (reloads the config)


  • */mineopoly join-channel has been fixed
  • + If, when you land on an unowned space, and you can buy that space, you will be told how much it costs.=
  • + Your game mode is set to Adventure (3) when playing.
  • + You are invincible when playing, your hunger and your health will not go down.
  • + When the game is over, players are teleported to their last known location and their previous game mode is set back.

This version of Mineopoly requires TacoAPI v2.3.1