Money transfer on PVP death #2

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to supavitax
  • _ForgeUser8574805 created this issue Apr 25, 2014

    Love the plugin.  Have a request that has been asked for in comments and would greatly improve on the use of this plug.

    When a player A kills player B, and loses money, the killer should get the money.  If % is set to 50%. Player B has $100.  Player A kills player B.  Player B loses $50, and Player A receives that $50.  If its a PVE death, player just loses the money.  This would encourage PVP and for players to not be carrying large amounts of money on them.  Would encourage them to use the bank.

    Thanks again for your work on this plug in.  I look forward to your input on this idea.


  • _ForgeUser8574805 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 25, 2014

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