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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.6-R0.3


-Changelog- v1.0.7-1


  • Repurposed for the recent versions of Bukkit.
  • Fireball and a few other things were removed, since Bukkit lost the ability to do them



  • Plugin Metrics support now fully utilized
  • Players can no longer bind, see or display help for abilities they do not have permission to use
  • Added a bunch of support for NoCheat. Players should no longer be kicked for flying when using bending abilities, and NoCheat will no longer be obnoxious to these people. Still no support for the damage-blocking part of NoCheat
  • Fixed a bug where BindToItem was set to true on the first time Bending was loaded
  • Updated all the /bending help displays
  • Removed the links to the website when bending is chosen in favor of the /bending help utility
  • bending.log added to keep track of things better
  • Added PreciousStones support
  • Added MySQL support. New command, /bending import, to import the data from the .yml to the SQL database
  • Added /bending toggle. This toggles bending on/off for the player


  • Added chiblocking!
  • Chiblockers have only a few active abilities. Instead, they have increased sprinting and jumping, have a 25% dodge change and take 50% reduced falling damage. Additionally, chiblockers punches block chi for 2.5 seconds, preventing benders from using any ability (even their passive) in that time.
  • New ability: RapidPunch. Simply attack with this ability and you will do a double-punch, dealing additional damage. This has a cooldown.
  • New ability: HighJump. Click with this ability to execute a high jump. This has a cooldown.


  • Made waterbending a bit more fluid
  • WaterSpout has been reworked! Click to toggle it. While using WaterSpout, you have limited flight and can use other bending techniques while spouting. The spout is taller at night.
  • Multiple WaterManipulations can be in progress at the same time
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs related to WaterManipulation and floating water
  • WaterManipulation can now be used to place the water elsewhere. Tap shift to select your source, then press and hold shift at the target location. The water will move to that location. Water bent in this way does nothing to entities it passes through.
  • Waterbending smoke effects now cleaner and easier to understand
  • Fixed a bug where the biome could freeze water that was being bent
  • Waterbenders now get a message when their bending is empowered by the moon
  • Bloodbending added (default for ops only): Hold shift to bloodbend your target. A bloodbent target cannot move or bend, and will be forced to follow your cursor. You can click a bloodbent target to launch them in that direction. In the AvatarState, holding shift will bloodbend everything around you, forcing them to stay still.
  • Removed WalkOnWater. Instead, FreezeMelt your way across bodies of water.
  • New ability: IceSpikes. Click on ice to launch a spike upwards, damaging anyone on top. Sneak for an area-of-effect version of it. This ability has a cooldown.
  • Remove Plantbending. Instead, it is now just a passive ability of waterbenders. The permission node still works, however, so it can still be disabled.
  • Water that is being bent is no longer meltable or evaporatable.
  • Bending water from ice is smoother now - there will be no more holes when the ice thaws.
  • WaterBubble is larger at night.
  • Plants that have been bent now regrow after a period of time. This is configurable, and if it is set to 0 then the plants will never regrow.
  • Clicking on a plant with WaterWall to select it will no longer destroy the plant
  • Waterbenders can no longer bend SnowBlocks


  • Fixed a bug where temporary sand would stay sand when bent
  • EarthGrab targets better
  • Tremorsense’s smoke effects now cleaner and easier to understand
  • Earthbending now has sound
  • EarthBlast and EarthTunnel now revert along with the rest of earthbending (this is configurable)
  • New ability: EarthArmor. Click on an earthbendable block (it must have another earthbendable block below it) to have to earth fly towards you and engulf you, granting you temporary armor and damage reduction. This ability has a large cooldown.
  • CompactColumn has been merged with Collapse. Click for CompactColumn, sneak for Collapse.
  • EarthBlast’s prepare range is much shorter now, to handle abusive situations. This is configurable. To compensate, it no longer damages the user (it will still suffocate the user for a second, if it passes over their face).
  • Added a safe option for reverting earthbending. It is on by default, and prevents earthbending from reverting in chunks that have players in them.
  • Catapult works better with anti-cheat plugins
  • EarthTunnel now stops if you look too far away from it


  • Extinguish now makes a noise when fire is smothered
  • Removed FireStream
  • Made ArcOfFire and RingOfFire dissipate quickly after being used - it now feels much better
  • Added FireBlast: Click to launch a blast of fire through the air. If the blast contacts a creature, the blast dissipates and ignites the creature, dealing some additional damage and knocking it back slightly. If it hits ground, it engulfs the nearby area in flames.
  • Firebenders now get a message when their firebending is empowered by the sun
  • Added WallOfFire: Click to create a wall of flames at your target location. This wall will deflect projectiles and ignite creatures in it. The wall lasts for 5 seconds and has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
  • Added Lightning: Hold sneak to charge a bolt of lightning. When you begin smoking, the bolt is charged. Release sneak to fire the lightning bolt to your target. This ability has a large miss chance. In the avatar state, this ability has no miss chance and no charge time.
  • ArcOfFire and RingOfFire have been merged into Blaze. Click for ArcOfFire, sneak for RingOfFire.
  • Illumination has been altered to create a torch instead of glowstone.
  • Blaze is properly stronger in the AvatarState


  • AirBlast now extinguishes targets
  • AirScooter is now smoother
  • Airbending smoke effects now look better and are visible from further away
  • Fire smothered by airbending now makes extinguishing noises
  • Airbenders can jump a bit higher than before
  • AirSwipe breaks objects as if it were a fist, instead of dropping any item (like Tall Grass)


  • WaterWall properly dissipates when Bending is unloaded
  • Melt behaves more intuitively underwater
  • New firebending ability: Illumination. Click to toggle it, glowstone will appear around the user to light up your way. This will be altered in the future.
  • FireJet no longer works on ice
  • FireJet lasts indefinitely in the AvatarState
  • AirShield is properly a toggle in the AvatarState
  • New earthbending ability: Tremorsense. Simply having this ability bound anywhere will make glowstone appear only to you beneath your feet when you're in a low-light setting and are touching the earth. This ability will flicker when you jump - this is intentional. Your sight is tied to your contact with the earth, lose that and you lose sight. Additionally, clicking while having this ability selected will make smoke appear over nearby earth that has patches of air beneath it.
  • Wave functionality improved: Tap sneak when the Wave is en route and it will automatically encase the next creature it hits in ice.
  • AirBubble and WaterBubble no longer randomly generate water
  • Fixed some bugs with permissions
  • EarthColumn and EarthWall have been merged into RaiseEarth. Click to raise a column, sneak to raise a wall
  • Firebending has been nerfed overall, however its power now fluctuates with the night/day cycle. Firebending is now stronger (approximately as strong as it was before the nerf) in the day, and weaker at night
  • Waterbending is now around 50% stronger/bigger when the moon is up
  • Made Bending behave well with CreeperHeal - you'll no longer have random ice reappearing because an IceWall had been hit with a fireball (for example)
  • New waterbending passive: When in the water and not having an ability that utilizes the sneak command, holding down sneak will make you rocket along in the direction you're looking.
  • Fixed a bug with WaterManipulation damage in the AvatarState
  • Fixed a bug where some bending would persist forever after a player died or disconnected
  • Fixed a bug where EarthBlast and WaterManipulation were being stopped by silly things, like grass
  • Fixed a bug where some firebending abilities could not overwrite snow
  • Fixed a bug where WaterSpout was causing permanent water over snow
  • Made Bending check if the region you're looking at is protected as well, to prevent players from doing things like Fireballing into a protected area
  • WaterManipulation can now permanently displace water if you are not using it to attack
  • New airbending ability: AirScooter. Sprint, jump then click to hop on an AirScooter and travel around quickly. This can even be used to go over liquids.
  • CompactColumn and Collapse now properly revert previous earthbending
  • Fixed a bug where WaterManipulation was unintentionally permanently creating water
  • Added a config option to revert earthbending after a certain amount of time. The server will check every set number of minutes for earthbending that has been around for that long or longer, then revert it. This is still in testing, and has the ability to kill unfortunate people in holes that the reverting code will fill
  • Earthbender's passive no longer creates falling sand
  • Bending's config file now much more extensive
  • Fixed a bug where AirBubble and WaterBubble wouldn't behave properly when the player died or disconnected
  • Added Plugin Metrics


  • RECOMMEND that you delete bendingPlayers.yml, as a few abilities have changed names and your players will complain that they are not working (because they now do not have the correct ability bound)
  • Added a 1 second cooldown to AirSwipe, in line with Fireball
  • AirBlast, AirSuction and AirSwipe no longer usable underwater
  • Added a configuration file for Bending (thanks superlode/Botz147)
  • Airbender can no longer use many bending abilities while having a weapon (or tool, except hoes) equipped to that slot. It felt very abusive to have AirSuction + Diamond Sword. This can be changed in the config
  • AirBlast now triggers levers and buttons
  • Earthbending in water no longer makes the water all flowy
  • Waterbenders calm the water they are swimming in passively
  • FireJet now has particles, is sustained for 1.5s, and has a 6s cooldown
  • Fixed a bug where earthbending was changing certain blocks to different data values
  • Freeze and Melt have been merged into FreezeMelt. Evaporate has also been added to this abilitiy. Click to freeze, sneak to melt. If you melt while selecting a water block, it’ll evaporate nearby water that’s above sea level
  • PatchTheEarth has been renamed Collapse
  • Added a new op-only command, /bending add. Usage: ‘/bending add <element>’ or ‘/bending add <player> <element>’. This command will -add- this bending to yourself or the player, allowing you to bend multiple elements at once
  • Fixed a multi-world but with Air- and WaterBubble
  • Made WalkOnWater a little bit faster for times of server load.
  • Stopped ice frozen by FreezeMelt from melting naturally
  • Fixed a bug where earthbending would make sand from the earthbender’s passive be permanent
  • Airbender’s passive now grants super jumping while sprinting


  • Fixed a bug where WaterWall could under some conditions remove blocks
  • Added the ability for ops to permanently remove bending via /bending permaremove player1 player2 …
  • Bending permanently removed can be replaced with an op using /bending choose player element or reset with /bending remove player1 player2 ...
  • Changed the message color to gold when bending is chosen
  • Fixed a bug in the message when bending is chosen
  • PatchTheEarth rewritten. Now works beautifully. Only works on blocks at or above the clicked location (to prevent collapsing tunnels below you).
  • Added vines to the list of things earthbending abilities can go through and AirSwipe can break
  • FireJet no longer sets the user on fire
  • Fixed multiworld bugs
  • Removed netherrack from the list of blocks earthbenders could bend
  • Added permissions support (thanks superlode)
  • AirSwipe damage increased from .5 hearts to 1 heart


  • RingOfFire and ArcOfFire now spread fire more evenly
  • Fixed a bug where Wave and WaterWall were patchy in some cases
  • Wave no longer destroys leaves
  • AirShield, Tornado and Fireball are no longer usable underwater
  • Fireball speed increased by 50%
  • Fixed a bug in earthbender’s passive
  • Fixed AirBubble and WaterBubble deleting newly placed blocks
  • Made waterbending abilities not leave weird flowing water from the source
    • Added WorldGuard support, bending will not work if the pvp flag is denied


  • FOUND A BUG WITH OTHER WORLDS - for now, do not use this on multiple worlds (including the nether)
  • Wave now stops when obstructed
  • Can no longer freeze or thaw currently bended water
  • Reduced or eliminated the tendency for WaterWall to leave behind water
  • Made Wave knock people -up- less
  • Reduced fireball speed by 60%
  • Added the ability for ops to choose someone's bending via /bending choose [player] [element]
  • Fixed a bug where WaterManipulation and EarthBlast would stop just short of its target
  • Increased EarthBlast’s damage from 5 to 7 and WaterManipulation’s damage from 3 to 5
  • Sand created from an earthbender falling now reverts after 3 seconds
  • Fireball now has a 1 second cooldown and its speed was reduced by 60%
  • Made all bending dissipate when the plugin is unloaded, fixing a lot of strange happenings upon server stopping and reloading
  • Fixed a bug in AirSwipe that was causing a server crash when it hit people
  • Changed AirSwipe's range to be 80% of Air Blast's range
  • Added the ability AvatarState for ops
  • Added a tag and color for each bender
  • Ops are now labelled Avatar by default
  • Gave better instruction upon someone choosing an element
  • Added the ability FireJet - launches the firebender into the air with a small blast of fire. Has the tendency to catch the user on fire
  • Plantbending now has an active as well. Clicking on a plant with Plantbending will disintegrate the plant and leave a water source in its place
  • Removed vines and leaves from plantbending
  • Fixed a bug in WaterWall where it would damage people and dissipate before forming.


  • Added the command for ops to remove bending. /bending remove player1 player2 ...
  • Made Wave douse fires and pull put plants
  • Made HealingWaters glow its target and is more powerful
  • EarthTunnel radius reduced from 2.5 to 1
  • Fixed a bug causing AirBlast and AirSuction to go forever, creating massive server lag
  • Made interactions with airbending abilities "feel" more right when falling
  • Maybe fixed Catapult from going indefinitely?
  • Added PatchTheEarth
  • Gave Fireball a duration, and removed all fireballs upon server start
  • Dramatically increased EarthTunnel's speed
  • Made the command line give better feedback when used improperly
  • Fix an error when “/bending” or "/bending bind" (without arguments) was used
  • Removed server verbosity from people being on fire

v1.0: Website: http://minecraftTLA.us.to

Release! Open beta!