MCore 6.7.0


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  • Uploaded
    Aug 29, 2013
  • Size
    1.59 MB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.6.2-R0.1


Are you running an offline mode server?

Then please focus and read all of this text

This version of MCore introduces a new feature that will help you in the long run but may require you to do some manual work together with this update. MCore will enforce that only one capitalization of each username is allowed since online mode is not there to help you do this. If you run unix you may have to delete your "duplicate" player.dat files. Read these links for a full understanding:

To help you plan your actions:

  • Is your server running in online mode or behind an online mode bungee cord proxy? Cool you don't need to do anything.
  • Is your server running on windows? Cool you don't need to do anything.
  • Would it be OK for you to delete all your player.dat files? Cool in such case I suggest you go ahead and do so since it's the easiest solution.
  • Otherwise find the duplicate player.dat files like "steve.dat", "Steve.dat" and "stEVE.dat" and remove all but one of them manually.
  • If you don't have time for this you can disable the feature in the mcore conf. You will however get a buggy server. Plugins sometimes act weird without this fix. If you use Factions players will for example get kicked for inactivity 4NO raisins.

Added chat events for each recipient

This system is used by Factions to make the tag {factions_relcolor} work. The feature can be disabled in the mcore server conf. It has the side effect that changes made through use of the long deprecated PlayerChatEvent (as opposed to AsyncPlayerChatEvent) won't have any effect. Very old or stupid plugins could thus stop working.

Added the command /mcore hearsound

Use this command to play any of the sound effects for yourself. A useful utility for developers.

Added a utility to detect duplicate death events

The bug in McMMO causing duplicate death events should be fixed now but other plugins may do the same mistake in the future so making use of this utility in Factions to avoid duplicate power loss on death seemed like a good idea.