mcmmoRankup - v0.6.4.2


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  • Uploaded
    May 9, 2013
  • Size
    103.16 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.2-R0.1
  • 1.5.2



  • Minor bug in Purchasing Ranks (xp or buks) has been fixed (you may or may not have seen the bug)
  • Fixed a minor bug in the Reports related to the "Tag Only" system.
  • Added Ranking Information Lines to messaging section so it can be customized to your needs (highly configurable - see tags in header of config file)
  • Combined the "Permissions" and "Tag Only" Systems into streamlined rank up functions. This allows the "Tag Only" system to take full advantage of the Buy Ranks, Rewards, upcoming classes and ladders and other current as well as future features of the plugin
  • Added the "Tag" system to /mru stats functionality
  • Added a "DefaultTagName" to the config file to set as the "base" tag for new players to the server for those using the "Tag Only" system.
  • Added two more player feeds: XpUpdates and Levels. The "XpUpdates" feed will show your rank line ability's current xp and remaining xp to next level when you use it and only applies to Non-PowerLevel abilities. The "Levels" feed will show a celebration event when you level up in any ability, including PowerLevel.
  • If you (owner) don't want players to have control of the "XpUpdates" feed for whatever reason, there is a configuration setting "PlayerAbilityXpUpdateFeed" you can turn off in the config file. Setting to "false" will disable this feed for all players.
  • Added a configuration setting to enable or disable server starts and/or "/mru reload" log/console messaging.
  • Added new configuration to enable/disable ranking information titles and headers
  • Added abilities xp and remaining xp to next level to the rank info line. This can be toggled on/off with new configuration setting
  • Re-visited the plugins rank-up and demotions logic and re-wrote them from the ground up. Promotions are handled the same as they were. However, Demotions are now highly configurable in 5 flavors and can affect your players, so please read:

1, You can disable all demotions dis-qualifying the remaining flavors.

2, Not really an option but rather natural means of demoting improved. Demotions will take place when players change their base rank line ability. So for instance if you are a level 64 in swords and you change to a rank line of mining and you are only a level 20 and your mining skill file dictates that 63 and lower are a different rank, then the player will get demoted to that lower rank upon auto rank up or if invoked with /mru rank. If /mru show is issued the players current rank shown after the level will be of the demoted rank, but in red to illustrate the demotion which will take place via /mru rank or when the auto rank kicks off.

3, You can allow demotions for players that have purchased ranks as well

4, You can allow demotions for players that have purchased a rank but only if the players current rank line is of the skill that rank that was purchased is. For example. Player is rank line of swords and purchases a rank of L1_Worker. If this setting is turned on, then if the player falls below L1_Worker swords level, then the player will get demoted back down... This option is to support the upcoming rewards (give and/or take) and can also support owners who run worlds where player get penalized stats for certain actions, etc... NOTE: Disabling option #3 will disable this option (#4). If you don't allow demotions to occur for Buy Rank Purchases, then this will not apply. Also, options 3 and 4 only apply to the player 'last' purchased rank. So if a player purchases more than one rank, only that last rank will weigh into the logic.

5, You can allow demotions (#1) for the entire server and give certain groups an "exempt" status for demotions by giving the group(s) a new permissions node: "mru.exemptdemotions".

I have rigorously tested the demotions to a wide array of checks and balances and I believe I've caught every scenario. However if you find something is not working right, please let us know ASAP.

For all of the new config and messaging to take place, you do not have necessarily delete your config.yml file. All settings and message not present in your current config will get added upon server restart.


HabListLevel: '&8(&o&5lvl&3:&o&5%level%&8)'
RankInfoLine1: '%rt%Rank Line:%ra% %ability% %rt%@ Level:%ra% %skilllevel% %rt%(%ra%%rankline%%rt%)'
RankInfoLine2: '%pp%* use&e /mru rank%pp% to promote ability to&e %pRank%'
RankInfoLine3: '%rt%Next Promotion @ Level:%ra% %nLevel% %rt%(%ra%%nRank%%rt%)'
RankInfoXp: '%pp%(%rt%&o%cXp%%pp%&o/%rt%&o%rXp%%pp%)%rt%'
RankInfoWillAchieve: '%ra%Your next promotion will achieve greatness in this ability!'
RankInfoHighest: '%pp%Ranking Ability (%ht%%ability%%pp%) Achieved! You are top dog!!'
RankInfoPromoteDemote: '%pp%%promotedemote% to:&e %pRank%'
McmmoAbilityLevelUp: '&6Ranking ability, &5%ability% &6has leveled up to: &5%skilllevel%'
McmmoAbilityXpGain: '&3Ability XP: &8(&5%cXp%&8/&5%rXp%&8)'

ChooseHability: '%ability% %rankxpinfo% is now your chosen path!'
RankUp: '%player% was just %promotedemote% to %group%'
Demotion: You have been demoted... WoW! Cmon, Step it up!
PromosIgnored: Promotions are ignored for you and/or your group

Some of the default messages have been slightly changed from previous release. So if you didn't change any of the messaging and/or coloring, you should just delete your config.yml file let it auto-generate completely to get all new messaging. If you do, don't forget to re-edit the config to enable/disable any abilities you do or don't want enabled and any other configuration setting (new -above, or existing)


===== Upgrading to this Version =====


  • Stop your server
  • Drop the new version into /plugins folder
  • Start your server
  • As always, check your server log for any issues.
  • Edit the config.yml file to for any new messages outlined in the change log above
  • Edit the config.yml file to adjust any new configuration settings outlined in the change log above
  • Restart your server

Please open a ticket if you have any issues!!

If you use the tag system, then there will be no "mru buy <x|b>" in the help / menu. Before this build/release I accidentally left a small piece of code in the help section of the mru menuing system that will not show the mru buy command, ONLY if you use the "Tag Only" System.

This release was compiled under the newest mcMMO (v1.4.06) only. I had originally compiled it under 1.3.11 and up to 1.4.06 but took off all the old versions to test deprecated commands and re-code. I did not put the older version back on before uploading this build.

If you need this build in an earlier build of mcMMO, please pm me I will re-compile for you.

Quote: - Minor Ranking Bug Detected (being resolved) - ONly if you have Demotions Enabled:

If you do not place your new player group in your skill files, like I do, then you most likely come across a bug when a new player joins the server (I just found the bug). The new player will automatically get "demoted" to the first level in your skills file for the default skill. However if you do place new player groups in your skills files you will not see this bug.

Temporary work around for those of you that DO NOT place new player groups in your skills files. Give your new players the permission node " mru.exemptdemotions ". Then double negate the same node to all your other groups to dismiss the assigning of the node. This will then not demote a player to your first rank in your skills files until they reach that first rank naturally.

For clarity here is an example just using 3 ranks in a skill file (powerlevel.yml):

RankUp: Male: 43: Settler 200: Worker 400: Worker][

Since the default (level 42 and below;- 0) is not listed outlined above the bug is detected the players level to a demotable level and because of the bug, forces the demotion to actually promote to the first rank, although the messaging states demotion.

We are working on the bug fix now and will have a patched version available soon.