Mailbox listing #15

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser6874375
  • _ForgeUser7587657 created this issue Feb 25, 2013

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    Please provide any additional information below.

    Would it be possible to add a listing of who has a Mailbox already setup on a server?

    Something like: /mailbox list

    Instead of having to try to send something, like a gift, to people then getting the error that they dont have a Mailbox already setup?

    I play on a server that grows daily.

    -Uno 8-)

  • _ForgeUser7587657 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 25, 2013
  • _ForgeUser6874375 unassigned issue from _ForgeUser4967307 Mar 3, 2013
  • _ForgeUser6874375 self-assigned this issue Mar 3, 2013
  • _ForgeUser7587657 edited description Jul 6, 2016

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