Stay in radius distance to a mailbox needed for /mailbox send #12

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser6874375
  • _ForgeUser7501189 created this issue Jan 20, 2013

    On our server we have a town system. each town has it's own post office built and within each citizen of a town has his own mailbox. we would like that players have to walk to any mailbox in the world in a in config settable radius from a mailbox away to be able to execute command /mailbox send. cause other wise they can transport their diamonds easy to herself in her safe mailboxes from the dangerous caves or don't have to walk to an postoffice in any town trade with other. so we want to have it more "survival" according to our survival concept on the server.

    Finally, could you please add a config value for "radiusrestriction:true/false" and "radius:10" to be able to exectue "/mailbox send" that a player has to be i.e. 10 blocks away from any mailbox in the world?

    that would be awesome! =)

  • _ForgeUser7501189 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 20, 2013
  • _ForgeUser6874375 unassigned issue from _ForgeUser4967307 Feb 1, 2013
  • _ForgeUser6874375 self-assigned this issue Feb 1, 2013

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