LagMeter 1.9.0


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  • Uploaded
    Aug 7, 2012
  • Size
    14.06 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.3.1-R1.0


  • Built with RB 1.3.1-R1.0.
  • Early-stage alert system. If you set the plugin to do so, it should alert you when the server falls below this threshold. settings.yml modifications for this:
    #Should LagMeter notify Ops and players with the permission node "bukkit.broadcast.admin"?
    #Don't give this node to people you wouldn't like seeing administration broadcast, such as opping, de-opping, etc.
    #Default: true
    Lag: true
    #After this TPS, start notifying the aforementioned groups that the tps is below this setting:
    #(Default: 16) - This makes it notify when the TPS hits 15. It's less than, not less-than-or-equal-to.
    tpsThreshold: 20
    #Same deal as "Lag:" but memory notifications instead.
    Memory: true
    #Same deal as with tpsThreshold; however, this one is a percentage. It is not less than or equal to, it is only less than.
    #Default: 26 (This makes it announce as the memory hits 25%, as it is < 26%, 26% wouldn't start it notifying such)
    memoryThreshold: 99