KotH v1.0.1


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  • Uploaded
    Apr 26, 2014
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    316.11 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.2-R0.3
  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2



Lots and lots of features have been added!

Note: This was built against Bukkit #1925 (1.7.6 - 1.7.9) but has been tested on versions 1.7.X of Minecraft!

  • Added a Choose Class Command. /koth chooseclass <class> (perm: koth.user.pickclass) gives you an existing class if you have permission for it. If the class specified does not exist, a helpful message displaying available classes is shown. If the class specified is ‘random’, you are given a random class.
  • Added a Choose Team Command. /koth chooseteam <red|blue> (perm: koth.user.pickteam allows you to choose the team for the arena you are in. You must be in the lobby.
  • Added Settings and Location commands. You can view current arena settings with /koth settings <arena> (perm: koth.setup.setting), or change them for an individual arena. Similarly, /koth locations <arena> (perm: koth.setup.location) allows you to view the current locations of either spawnpoints or hills. However, to change them you still need to use the setwarp or sethill commands.
  • Players who did not pick a class in the lobby are assigned a random class. Players who do not pick a class utilizing the lobby signs will be given a random class that they have permission for. If they do not have permission for any class they will be removed from the arena.
  • Various arena abilities have been added. You can now make landmines, spawn wolves, horses, and even zombies by using certain items!
  • Added a prize manager. You can now configure rewards to give to players! Rewards are handed out at the end of a match to all players that did not quit. You can configure rewards for winners, losers, and all players. You can add any item with any enchantment or metadata.
  • Added several events. Several events have been added that may change gameplay. For instance, when a world is loaded or unloaded, arenas are loaded or unloaded.
  • You can toggle new settings. You can disable regeneration of health, the ability to drop items, and more for each arena! Note that players with koth.admin.dropitems will be able to drop items under any circumstance.
  • Fixed NullPointerException when Player respawns. Players who did not pick a class triggered a null pointer exception because I gave items to players using ArenaClass.java, which would be null for these players. Since no null check was present, the exception followed suit.
  • Fixed bug that caused massive error log if there was only one hill. I never took into account the possibility that there might only be one hill in any given arena. I fixed some math logic in my Hill utility class to prevent the hill timer from trying to switch hills, which is nonsensical.
  • (API) Event structure has been changed. The ArenaEndEvent is no longer cancellable, and you can now get the winning and losing teams (Set<Player>). HillScoreEvent is now the ArenaScoreEvent. ArenaJoinEvent (cancellable) and ArenaLeaveEvent (Uncancellable) have now been added, which respectively listen for a player entering or leaving the arena.
  • You can now create Arena Signs. If specified an arena, you can put many commands to sign form, such as join, leave, and spectate. Current class signs will cease to work with this update, because you now need a [koth] tag on the first line of every KotH sign.
  • You can allow/block any command you want for players in the arena. The global section now has an “allowed-cmds” string in which you must allow all commands you want your players to be able to use while in the arena.
  • You can now log certain KotH functions. If enabled in the global section (“logging” is set to true), commands issued and certain messages will be logged in a .log file. However, there is no method to try and limit the file size, so make sure you keep an eye on it.
  • Vault support has been added! You can now configure economy rewards to give to players. For signs, you can add prices (4th line on command signs, 3rd line on class signs).
  • Removed Media Folder from the final .jar file. The media folder includes all images for KotH and is a pro forma fix. All this does is boost your server RAM by removing about 200KB of wasted space.
  • Fireworks are now launched when a hill switch and over winners' heads at the end of an arena! :)
  • An arena argument is no longer required for certain commands if there is only one arena.

Before asking questions or suggesting bugs, please read the FAQ.

Any comments, concerns, or questions left unaddressed by the FAQ should be brought up in the comments section of the main post. This is not where bug reports go.

If you feel there is bug, report them via the ticket tracker so they can be addressed.

Keep the bug reports coming at https://github.com/AoHRuthless/King-of-the-Hill/issues

- Arena occasionally fails to give a class to a player who is undecided because the plugin believes they have a class, which is not so. Fixed for next update