KarmicJail v0.41


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  • Uploaded
    Apr 21, 2012
  • Size
    88.94 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.2.5



  • Delayed teleportation of jailed players on server join by 3 seconds (60 ticks) rather than immediately. This should bypass MultiVerse from having jailed players roaming outside of jail on join.


Massive overhaul for beta release

  • Complete revamp of the database handling.
    • Tables will convert automatically. Tested both for MySQL and SQLite.
    • However, in case something goes wrong I urge you to back up your tables.
      • If you're using SQLite, just back up the jail.db file in the plugin folder.
      • If you're using MySQL, I'm assuming you know what you're doing.
    • In the event that something does go wrong, please give me the full stacktrace if available.
  • Complete restructure and refactor of the code.
    • AKA no more large main class <.< About time I got rid of it.
  • Inventory management of jailed players.
    • Can remove a player's inventory when jailed. Optionally, can be returned.
    • Can modify the contents in real-time if enabled in the config and if the player has the correct permissions.
    • /jailinv <player> OR /jinv <player>
    • Armor not supported yet
  • Warp to the last position of any player on the server.
    • /jaillast <player> OR /jlast <player>
  • Can teleport people to the jail location without having to "jail" them.
    • /jailwarp <player> OR /jwarp <player>
  • Complete history write up of every jail event for every player that has ever been jailed.
    • Can be paged through and extra comments added to the rep sheet
    • Any jail reason change is also added to a player's history.
  • /jailhistory <args> OR /jhistory <args>
    • jhistory command arguments:
    • view <player> - view the jail history for specified player
    • next - go forward a page
    • prev - go back a page
    • add <player> <comment...> - add a comment to the given player's history. Can use color codes
    • If no argument given, it will show your current page of your last viewed history.

If you use any of the following plugins, update them as well due to this internal library change:

  • Armor not supported or removed from player inventory when jailed.
  • Need to reverse the order of the history
  • /jwarp does not take in multiple players like other commands.
  • On the rare occasion, when a player is unjailed, their groups are not returned. Haven't notice this happen on mutli-group users. More than likely is occurring for default group users.