Jobs 4.2.1


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  • Uploaded
    Nov 9, 2017
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    704.68 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8
  • 1.8.3


  • As of KleinesGumi request. Added option to define jobs soft level for money, exp or points gain. What this means? This will allow for players to level up their jobs in regular fashion, but income will stop increasing at some particular defined level. So you can have player with jobs level of 5000 but income will be as he would be at 100. So players can continuously progress with their levels, but income will stay in reasonable amounts. Settup as usual. Defines for each job in regular fashion, in example
[code]Jobs:</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp; exampleJob:&nbsp; &nbsp;</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;fullname: Woodcutter</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;shortname: W</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;description: Earns money felling and planting trees&nbsp;</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;ChatColour: GREEN</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;# [OPTIONAL]&nbsp;Soft limits will allow to stop income/exp/point payment increase at some particular level but allow further general leveling.</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;# In example if player is level 70, he will get paid as he would be at level 50, exp gain will be as he would be at lvl 40 and point gain will be as at level 60</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;# This only aplies after players level is higher than provided particular limit.</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;softIncomeLimit: 50</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;softExpLimit: 40</div> <div data-redactor="1">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;softPointsLimit: 60</div> <div data-redactor="1">.....................................[/code]