Item Lore Stats v2.18 **BETA**


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  • Uploaded
    Feb 8, 2014
  • Size
    157.51 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.2-R0.2
  • CB 1.7.2-R0.1
  • CB 1.6.4-R2.0


3 Minor bug fixes.

New stat (Block) You can now add the Block stat to items. When you block an attack you stagger and become slowed for 1.5 seconds. The value shown is the percentage chance of blocking an attack.

New stat (PvE Damage Modifier) This is a modifier for PvE damage, setting the tooltip to +300 would add 300 to the players damage if they hit a none player entity, but if set to -300 then it will remove 300 from the players damage when hitting a none player entity.

New feature (Check for updates) As I update Item Lore Stats often I've noticed that there are quite a a lot running out-of-date versions of Item Lore Stats. This will help server owners keep Item Lore Stats up to date. If there is an update available it will notify any Ops or any players with the ils.admin permission. This checks to see if the current version of Item Lore Stats is less than the latest version on the BukkitDev page and will NEVER automatically download any updates, it will always require an op or player/group with ils.admin permission to type /ils update to download the update. You can disable this by going into the Item Lore Stats config.yml and setting checkForUpdates to false. Thanks to Gravity for his Updater class

Delete your language.yml and all of the mob files in /SavedMobs/ if updating from v1.8 or below, otherwise this WILL cause errors. Though it isn't always required I do recommend deleting your config.yml