Hello seems like a really nice plugin, would it... #3

  • Started
  • Enhancment
Assigned to sincerelynoodles
  • SincerelyNoodles created this issue Feb 1, 2013

    Hello seems like a really nice plugin, would it be possible for you to add so when a player dies in a specific region they won't drop their items but won't get them back either thats what i'm looking for but I haven't been able to find it anywhere this is very close to what I need I just don't want them to get their items back either. If you could do that and make it work with worldguard regions that'd be great!

    Also thinking about adding language files? So people can customize the messages?

    Thanks in advance!

  • SincerelyNoodles added the tags Started Enhancment Feb 1, 2013

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