IndividualSigns v2.0


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 14, 2014
  • Size
    19.41 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.2-R0.2
  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2


v 2.0:

  • API rewrite:

The old API was deprecated and internally replaced with equivalents using the new event based API in order to hopefully stay compatible to plugins still using the old API. The next update will remove those deprecated methods..

IndividualSigns does now simply call a SignSendEvent for each player being about to receive a sign update packet. This event can be cancelled and gives your more freedom on what can be done compared to before (your are not limited anymore on simple key->value replacements, but you can for example search for dynamic keys or replace the text of the whole sign, etc).

However, you will now have to process the lines yourself (checking for the key and replacing found matches), and you have to check the permission for the sign creation yourself as well. OR you use the included SimpleChanger class, which basicly provides the same features like the old, now deprecated, Changer class: you simple create a new SimpleChanger and fill in the getValue() method (which now has a new 'line' parameter), and the class will do permission checks and simple key-value replacement for you, just like the old API, but more nicely. Check out the front page for examples on the new API.

  • Added plugin usage tracking to

Does not work on versions below 1.7.x