Multiworld support + factions + worldguard + other #24

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Assigned to _ForgeUser7682724
  • _ForgeUser10914759 created this issue Jul 8, 2013

    I'm having a RPG style map and the horses are just an ideal way to be added there. But at this moment the plugin doesn't quite meet my needs to truly experience the RPG style in it. I was following the progress of many plugins and saw, that only you've truly put all your heart in it, and working on 25h per day :) So here I come with some suggestions to add into your plugin. Some of them were already mentioned in the comments by me but the plugin got so popular that they got lost somewhere.

    First of all is multiworld support, which is absolutely essential to be even installed in my server. I don't want people to have all their horses on every map, a nice solution would be a similar to that, what you can find in the plugin "Multiinv". In there you have groups of inventory. You can easily assign a bunch of maps into a group. So why not making a same thing in the stables of that plugin? So that you could have for example a same stable in 3 maps and a completely different on the 4th. If that's too complicated or doesn't meet your expectations how the plugin should work you could instead add multiworld support for certain configurations, like invincibility or price.

    But a more interesting way would be to add that options (especially the invincibility) with worldguard or factions support. It would be nice to make horses invincible at some regions or faction claims, but not everywhere this makes sense. That's why factions or worldguard support could be a nice thing to add.

    Speaking of factions another thing that could be cool to add a faction stable (that option + the faction claims support would practically solve my multiworld stables need). This is how I see it: The leader of the faction has all the permissions needed managing a stable. Only he can buy horses or sell them. Also he might also assign certain horses to specified members.

    Another idea is a option of adding a skill tree for the horses. I'm not sure how exactly how it would work, but maybe distance traveled with the horse or maybe the amounts of jumps made + regular feeding. If not fed or if not ridden a certain distance in a certain time the skills would go down. I know it could be complicated to do this, but it's just an idea, maybe you'll come up with a better solution :)

    Also you could maybe add in the config an option to change the maximum amount of horses spawned at one time, right now it is only one horse but maybe people could spawn multiply horses at the same time.

    What is more is maybe adding a different price option. If somebody wants to pay in diamonds for examples not necessarily in cash.

    Another thing is adding a multilanguage support for the horse types names in the language file or the ability to change the names in the config. I know that the types are needed in the command but maybe you could add a way to add this somehow. In the near future I'm going to translate the plugin into Polish language and proudly handle the lang file to you :)

    Also the delete command should have a option to delete all the horses you own. I'm not sure if admins are able to delete somebody's horses, could be useful if not.

    All in all hats of for the enormous work You've put into this plugin! I'm looking forward for the next updates and hoping maybe some of my ideas will inspire you to add things that make this fantastic plugin appear even better.

    I'm sleepy and my English is not the best since I live in Poland but I hope everything is understandable :D
    I'll be surely updating this ticket with more ideas! Maybe some of them will be useful ;)

    Best regards!

  • _ForgeUser10914759 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 8, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10914759 edited description Jul 8, 2013
  • _ForgeUser7682724 posted a comment Jul 8, 2013

    My god. A lot to read.

    I will probably protect the horse if the player would have been protected in the same area. By the same attacker.

    Should be easy to implement that.

    That should cover most anti-damage plugins without much work. Does it sound like an acceptable solution to you?


    Factions stable would be awesome. Gona be a pain though. (I have my own custom factions plugin, so integration with the actual Factions plugin is pretty useless for me :P)


    For skills, it would probably be feeding, perhaps a bit with distance. Increase the horses speed when it is fed recently, have it degrade after a while of not being fed.


    Locale is a bit annoying. If I add a new message, I wouldn't be able to build it before I had all messages added. Otherwise I would need to add some sort of remote locale file to load defaults after the plugin starts.

    Definitely want to do it though. Otherwise, I could just have pages which contain locale files for each version, and have people download them when they update?

    Otherwise there is google translate xD Which doesn't always work to well.


    Deleting other players horses should be added. Will try get onto that soon :)


    Paying in items is an interesting idea. I will think about how that could work later.

    Edited Jul 15, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10914759 posted a comment Jul 8, 2013

    The idea of protection in the same area the player is protected like it is in safezones in factions or worldguard sounds great! This would be the best solution i think :)

    Thanks for having a try to implement some of my suggestions!

    There is still one problem with the horse equipment though. Users could easely "transport" their goodies vitually in different maps, where players have different equipment thanks to the MultiInv plugin. For example he could transport items from creative world to survival world.

  • _ForgeUser7682724 posted a comment Jul 8, 2013

    @ShadedPL: Go

    Yep, I have just added a toggle for dismissing horses when the player teleports too far away.

    For now you can disable the summon command on creative worlds.

  • _ForgeUser10914759 posted a comment Jul 8, 2013

    @ShadowDog007: Go

    Great! Now I'm a huge step further to present this amazing plugin to my users but first I have to set up the permissions properly.

    Thank you very much!

    Tommorow maybe I'll come up with some new ideas but for now I'm going to sleep, you should too, you're always online! You deserve a break after such great work on the plugin! :D

    Edited Jul 8, 2013
  • _ForgeUser10914759 posted a comment Jul 10, 2013

    So I came up with an idea but I'm not sure if this could work. On my server I have AzRank which gives my playes that sponsored the server a timed rank.

    I would like to give my VIP's and sponsors special horses like zombies or black horses with boosted stats but I don't want them to have those horses when the rank ends. Could there be a checking process (on logon for example) that would check if a player has the permissions needed to have that special horse if not just delete it. My players wouldn't cry because the price for the viphorse would be free anyways. Maybe a payback should be given though for the normal players. If a player deletes a horse he gets a percent of the price back :)

  • _ForgeUser7682724 posted a comment Jul 10, 2013

    @ShadedPL: Go

    Yeah this is possible.

    So much to do though. Not sure when I will get around to this.

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