

This plugin is a continuation of this inactive project:

This adds a health bar above player's heads using Spout.

Usage: Simply place the jar file into your plugin directory then optionally edit the config file to customize the healthbar display.

Important note

Expect more major changes (especially configuration changes) as I diverge more from the original project.


On start up the plugin automatically creates a config.yml file in the HealthBar folder. This contains the following properties:

# Character used to make the healthbar
  character: '|'
# Format used for the healthbar.
# Note: Use the format &&<hex> for all color codes
# Current variables (note: some, but not all, variables have bar forms):
# {health},{health_bar} = the player's current health
# {max_health} = the player's maximum health
# {health_percent} = the player's current health percentage (without % sign)
# {missing_health},{missing_health_bar} = the player's maxhealth - current health
# {lost_health},{lost_health_bar} = the amount of health the player has lost since the last healthbar update
# {gained_health},{gained_health_bar} = the amount of health the player has gained since the last healthbar update
# {mana},{max_mana},{mana_percent},{missing_mana} {mana_bar},{missing_mana_bar} = same as their health-based cousins
  format: '&&9[&&a{health_bar}&&b{gained_health_bar}&&6{lost_health_bar}&&c{missing_health_bar}&&9]'
# Controls the size of the healthbar (values under 1.0 work somewhat currently, bars may be added/removed at different levels of health - will be fixed soon)
  healthScale: 1.0

# A value under 1.0 is recommended for mana - mana/maximum mana tends to be larger than health/maximum health
  manaScale: 1.0


# Controls whether or not to have healthbars only show up for players with a certain permission
  usePermissions: false
  hideDuringSneak: true

Change accordingly.

This plugin works with other plugins that edit the title name.


To use with permissions you must have a permissions based plugin installed and you must have "usePermissions" as 'true' in config.yml.

Nodes: healthbar.cansee - Allows the player to see other players health bar. healthbar.reload - Allows you to reload the configuration file.


SpoutCraft - Client & Server


Heroes - Uses this plugin's health and mana systems if installed


The source repository is located here:


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