Permission node to hide healthbars of specific players #3

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser7441690
  • Forecaster71 created this issue Sep 17, 2011

    In short, this plugin overrides MobDisguise's ability to hide player names.

    I would like a way to make it so players can't see my healthbar and thus not my name.

    That way they can't tell that the innocent chicken over there is actually me.

    I'd suggest making a healthbar.hide node that would conceal the healthbar of anyone with that node.

    Then there could be another node of something like healthbar.seehidden that enables whoever wields it to see hidden healthbars.

    But up until now (installed mobdisguise) This plugin worked perfectly and is awesome!

  • Forecaster71 added the tags New Defect Sep 17, 2011

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