/hawkeye redo #186

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7076494
  • _ForgeUser6951820 created this issue Jan 24, 2012

    I ran into a strange bug recently and it left me in a situation with large chunks of stone missing and a backup 40 hours old. It got me thinking about how to restore buildings after a rollback due to corruption.

    So my question is, as hawkeye keeps logs of edits anyway, why not have a function to restore the most recent edits?


    I can't imagine it would need much more than what already exists, just output the search as it would anyway, and then loop through the results, checking if the event is a block placement and then checking the block at x,y,z. If it isn't there, change the block to that defined by the edit.
    I'm unsure how to make sure the edit is the most recent however as i'm not privy to the inner workings of hawkeye. If it uses a single command per block, it would be a simple case of adding "order by id desc limit 1" to the end of queries (for mysql), but I doubt that because it would be pretty inefficient overall for large areas.


    The above seems pretty detailed and you may be wondering why I dont contribute it myself? Whilst I have some form of method, I have no real experience with java (save some abandoned plugins) and none at all with contributing to github projects, so I must just wait and hope it is possibly added as a feature.

  • _ForgeUser6951820 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 24, 2012
  • _ForgeUser7133525 posted a comment Jan 25, 2012

    +1 Same issue, that's how i found this ticket (google: hawkeye redo ) :P

    Edited Jan 25, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8428865 posted a comment Sep 2, 2012

    This is one of two things HawkEye is missing compared to LogBlock. I hope this feature will be added soon.

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