HawkEye crashing server #183

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser7076494
  • _ForgeUser7668545 created this issue Jan 22, 2012

    What is the problem? My server keeps crashing when I try to rollback someone

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. I do /hawk rollback p:r3wind
    2. I wait and it says rolling back so and so blocks
    3. Everything freezes, server crashes, have to restart the server to fix it. And no blocks are rolledback

    What version of HawkEye are you using (shown in console during start-up)?

    Show me any console errors and/or your start-up console message for HawkEye

    Show me your config.yml and/or your config.php (REMOVE YOUR PASSWORD)

    Have you checked the FAQ page?

  • _ForgeUser7668545 added the tags New Defect Jan 22, 2012

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