How's the progress? #3

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  • _ForgeUser10496054 created this issue Oct 15, 2013

    What is the issue?

    I wish to know about the progress and features about this plugin, I would like to know when it will be released so I will be able to replace Factions on my server. Here are a few questions I have:

    1. Does it enable taking over land? Is there a configuration that force land claims to be connected?
    2. Will the players have strength themselves which contribute to the Guild's total strength?
    3. Will this be like factions on the land owning and taking over? I will be glad if this is the same as factions just that it is more PVP oriented and if the Guild have too little power it will fall automatically.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    I was looking up in the Bukkit to find a Guild/Kingdom plugin to replace factions on my server. I found a few which are all updated and I do not really like them. Only this makes me feel hopeful and I decided to watch this till its release. I hope this can be released for the 1.7 update. So I can use it when Factions requires the mcore thing. I am sure that this will be a plugin s good as Factions after its release for Raiding/Griefing servers.

    fmaster, I really hope you can start developing this and working on this. I can help you with documentation or advertising if you want.

  • _ForgeUser10496054 added the tags New Other Oct 15, 2013
  • Forge_User_17142901 posted a comment May 17, 2014

    First of all I want to say sorry. I didn't noticed that there was a ticket, that's the reason for answering that late. I don't know, maybe you already read my statement on the front page of the plugin. After you read this, you will understand why theres no downloadable build yet. Now I will answer your question even if they maybe don't interrest you anymore.

    1. I didn't thought about adding land claiming for guilds, but it's a cool idea and maybe I add this later as a feature you can disable if you don't want to use this because you already have a city plugin for example. So you could use guilds as a simple guild plugin or as a plugin to replace Factions / Towny later. But as I said later, I want to add some base functionality at first.

    2. I don't really know what you mean with strength, do you mean honor or something else?

    3. As is mentioned before I could add land owning/claiming later, so I haven't planned the system for that.

    It's not much done yet except some basic structuring, the language system, my planning about features and stuff. atm I'm working on the features to create guilds (command, trait, item, API), while doing this I have to do saving stuff with mysql or/and yaml, you can participate in the poll if you want to. After that I will work on inviting, kicking, leaving, disbanding and such things.

    But I'm sure you can imagine that I have to do other stuff aswell @ real life and on other projects.

    Greetingz fmaster

  • Forge_User_17142901 removed a tag New May 17, 2014
  • Forge_User_17142901 added a tag Started May 17, 2014
  • _ForgeUser10496054 posted a comment May 30, 2014

    Oh, I am still watching this. Although I posted this 7 months ago... Anyways, I am glad you are still updating. I am after all, still trying to find a more suitable alternative for Faction. Since I am using a 1.5 version for a 1.7 server (I didn't like the new one).

    By the way, are you free lately? I am developing a brand new awesome server and need help on coding and stuff.

  • Forge_User_17142901 posted a comment May 30, 2014

    @iGamingStudioX: Go

    I'm glad to see that you're still watching this. I don't know, but maybe this could be an alternative for you in the future.

    At the moment I'm very busy developing Guilds, also I'm involved in ArathosRPG & a RPG server project.

    If you have questions or suggestions feel free to answer or create another ticket.

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