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  • Uploaded
    Feb 12, 2016
  • Size
    11.96 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Initial Upload, first version after my own personal testing.
* Captures "EntityDamageByEntity" and "PlayerInteract" Events
* No Commands
* Uses Lore to track status of a Diamond/SoulStone and a Pickaxe/Soul Pickaxe
* Diamond attack on [Creature] creates "SoulStone [Creature]"
* Filling SoulStone creates either SpawnEgg stack or Soul Pickaxe
* Soul Pickaxe used on a DiamondBlock, surrounded by Stone, creates network of ore in Stone
* Soul Pickaxe ability uses up points, until gone.
* As far as I know, both the Diamonds/SoulStones and the Pickaxes all function normally, as well.

No known Caveats!  Let me know if there are issues.
The one thing I can predict as an issue... if there is another method of applying Lore (through another Plugin), you could create your own, very powerful, SoulStones and SoulPickaxes, fairly easily.