
Gold Panning!

GoldRush lets your users pan for gold in all watery areas that contain sand, clay, dirt, and gravel below-water! Using the custom item* you can make a gold pan, which has a pseudo-durability (default of 10 uses). Gold drop possibilities are configurable via the configuration file, the lower the number the lower the chance of it dropping, however "-1" will turn the block off.

Footnote: Crafting recipe is as follows:

Gold Pan

The Crazy Lab

Defualt ranked blocks:

  1. Clay (The highest)
  2. Gravel
  3. Dirt
  4. Sand (The least)

If gold will effect your server economy, be sure to BlackList the cauldron item and sell it in a shop. The bowl should not effect anything, due to the inefficiency of the method. I do not recommend this plugin for Tekkit if you use EquivalentExchange, as gold is worth a very high amount of EMC.


  • Permissions plugin (GroupManager, PEX, etc.)
  • Permission Node - goldrush.pan

Future Improvements

  • Option for pre-defined areas to pan
  • Maximum amount of gold panned per block
  • Timed spawning of items in cauldrons (similar to rain filling a cauldron)


  • Added pseudo-durability to the bowl item

How to pan for gold

  1. Build a gold pan
  2. Find a lake-bed/river-bed with: dirt, sand, gravel, or clay blocks
  3. Right click with a gold pan


Check out some servers

In development is an official Gold Rush server for all of my plugins to be shown off in a (hopefully) interesting fashion.


If you have any serious bugs, please submit a ticket, else I may miss the issue and it will be left unchanged!


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to join me on an IRC to chat about it! IRC channel.

If I happen to not be online here, you can contact me at here: Click Here

If you're a super duper awesome sexy person, or just feel like helping out a lowly developer please feel free to donate a few pennies to my tip-jar. Thank you very much! Donate!

Footnote: See if you can find the Easter egg!

Special thanks to AlexNuB!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 19, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 27, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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