Holy lands cause biome change #109

  • New
  • Enhancment
  • Boxed_Hellfire created this issue Feb 10, 2013

    An old housemate of mine came up with an interesting suggestion (They don't have a bukkit dev account so I'm posting it for them) which would be for the chunks contained within the Holy lands area of effect to change to reflect that particular deity's nature.
    So for instance, a desert god would have the land around their temple change into desert slowly over time whereas a farming god would have it turn into arable and lush grasslands.

    I know the biome modification is possible (e.g. Weatherman plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/weatherman/) but block updates I can imagine being a little cpu intensive.

    Still, would be a nice touch of flavour if possible.

  • Boxed_Hellfire added the tags New Enhancment Feb 10, 2013
  • Forge_User_09714816 posted a comment Feb 14, 2013

    This has actually been a hidden feature in the plugin since version 0.3.0:

    Altars of "jungle gods" and "desert gods" would spread out their biome types around the altars. It never really got to the point of "feeling right" though... (What about God types who does NOT have a certain biomes associated and is it ok to have jungle trees suddenly standing in a desert?)

    Anyway, I might let it be enabled as a feature for later release.

  • Boxed_Hellfire posted a comment Feb 14, 2013

    <<reply 1267549>>

    I can see what you mean,  I suppose you could have it that any god (whitelisted or created) comes with the config: Biome=Default (or Desert, Swamp, etc) and then use a switch case where default makes no changes and values other than the biome it's in uses the spreading code. I'm afraid I don't know the ins and outs of the code enough to do anything beyond that theory though.

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