button activated! #6

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to timvisee
  • cooldudef40 created this issue Apr 4, 2012

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel? i changed the default lantern to night=fence, and day=air. now i use it to make gates for our City, it would be really cool if you could make it so that i could use a button to make the gate change to air during the night! this button would make the entire gate change to whatever it is not. if i press during the day, turns to fence, if i press during night, changes to air. Please provide any additional information below. not necessary, just would be really cool.

  • cooldudef40 added the tags New Enhancment Apr 4, 2012
  • cooldudef40 edited description Apr 4, 2012

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