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  • Uploaded
    May 1, 2013
  • Size
    136.29 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.1-R0.2


  • == V 1.9b ==
  1. Fixed a compilation error (wrong file)
  2. Fixed download not starting
  3. Fixed error if all files are cached
  4. v1.9 reupload
  • == V 1.9 ==
  1. Fixed a few more download problems
  2. Added permission FLockClient.Gui.Debug
  3. FLockClient - Client v1.5 required
  • == V 1.8 ==
  1. Fixed the file sender rebuilding the buffer when not required
  2. Fixed error on download if another player join the server while the buffer is being built
  3. Fixed error on download if the buffer is not ready
  4. Fixed other nom important download related errors
  5. Added download speed limit configuration
  • == V 1.7 ==
  1. Total rewrite of the original plugin
  2. Improved loading of mods and clients
  3. Improved mac bans, now supporting tempbans and reason
  4. Improved mac unban, now support both mac address or player name
  5. Improved kick delay, now based on the server packet ping
  6. Fixed mac tempbans not expiring
  7. Fixed identification error on reload
  8. Added bandwidth monitor
  9. Added ability to send files to the client
  10. Added /isban command to check if a player is banned
  11. I dont remember everything now...
  • == V 1.6.1 ==
  1. Possible fix a NullPointerException
  2. Added /lc info <player>
  3. Client-Side V1.3 required
  • == V 1.6 ==
  1. Major rework of the original plugin
  2. New hash generation method
  3. Less code in the client-side, now using memory class methods.
  4. Lots of improvements
  • == V 1.5 ==
  1. Fixed required true on second login
  2. Updated to CraftBukkit 1.5.1-R0.1
  3. Compatible with client-side v1.2
  • == V 1.4 ==
  1. Added more debug on player login (debug)
  2. Added more KickId message (debug)
  3. Improved another safe-guard
  4. Fixed bypass when supress is 1
  5. Fixed Chat/Command block
  6. Increased default delay times
  7. Updated to CraftBukkit 1.5.0-R0.1
  8. Compatible with client-side v1.1
  • == V 1.3 ==
  1. Improved client detection
  2. Added more debugging, very usefull if you leave that enabled
  3. Fixed safe-guards not work properly
  4. Fixed AntiCheat/NoCheatPlus/FAntiXRay exempt
  5. Fixed Permission change not working
  6. Fixed error if block movement is enabled
  7. Some small changes, not important...
  • == V 1.2 ==
  1. Small changes in the kick logic
  2. Improved debug mode
  • == V 1.1 ==
  1. FCoreLib is not a dependency
  • == V 1.0 ==
  1. First public release