FamoustLottery v6.0.5


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    Aug 22, 2015
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


FamoustLottery v6.0.5

Please backup your old lottery.yml befor installing this version


  • Added MySQL support(will be explained further on)
  • Added a feature to protect lotterys from players winning to often in a given time (Jenks1999)
  • Signs are now able to change their headers for each lottery status (Activ,Inactiv,Closed)
  • Editing now got's text on each field to tell you what it does.(Jenks1999)
  • Creating a lottery as a Player now opens the editing gui directly.(Jenks1999)
  • Buying tickets from signs can now get interrupted trough writing the word: exit

Special Thanks to Jenks1999 for help me getting these ideas and bug fixing everything. You are great ;)

I already created Lotterys, but now I want to use MySQL?
Thats no problem at all. FamoustLottery will check the Lotterys.yml on startup and loads all lotterys into the MySQLDB, but dont forget to backup the yml before using this ;)

I'm now using MySQL as save option but how can I edit lotterys?
To edit lotterys inside MySQL you just need to use the simple editing gui from /lottery edit.

I want to retrieve lottery data out of the MySQLDB. How are the tables looking?

Main Table(lotterys) is saving all configuration fields of a lottery.

  1. Name - Represents the lotterys name as. [VARCHAR]
  2. Status - Represents the lotterys status. [TINYINT] (Open = 0, Inactiv = 1, Closed = 2)
  3. Runtime - Represents the lotterys time to buy tickets. [INTEGER]
  4. Delay - Represents the lotterys time between each round. [INTEGER]
  5. CurrentTime - Represents the lotterys current time. [INTEGER]
  6. useEcon - Represents the lotterys state of using Vault or Items. [VARCHAR/BOOLEAN] (true = Vault, false = Items)
  7. Price - Represents the lotterys price for a ticket. [DOUBLE]
  8. Jackpot - Represents the lotterys current jackpot. [DOUBLE]
  9. Items - Represents the lotterys item currency. [VARCHAR] (Id:Data)
  10. maxTicketsbyPlayer - Represents the lotterys maximum amount of tickets for each player. [INTEGER]
  11. maxTickets - Represents the lotterys maximum amount of tickets to sell. [INTEGER]
  12. minTickets - Represents the lotterys minimum amount of tickets to draw a winner instead of moving into next round. [INTEGER]
  13. minPlayers - Represents the lotterys minimum amount of players to draw a winner instead of moving into next round. [INTEGER]
  14. currentTickets - Represents the lotterys current amount of sold tickets. [INTEGER]
  15. broadcastBuy - Represents the lotterys current status of broadcasting a buy. [VARCHAR/BOOLEAN] (true = enabled, false = disabled)
  16. broadcasrDraw - Represents the lotterys time to remind players that a draw is comming. [INTEGER]
  17. JackpotChance - Represents the lotterys chance of moving the jackpot into the next round. [INTEGER]
  18. TaxMultiplier - Represents the lotterys tax percentage. [INTEGER]
  19. TaxHolder - Represents the UUID of the current Player who get the taxes. [VARCHAR/UUID]
  20. WinsPerDay - Represents the lotterys maximum amount of wins a configurateable time frame. [INTEGER]

<Lottery>_players is saving the current players with their tickets

  1. UUID - Represents the players UUID. [VARCHAR/UUID]
  2. Tickets - Represents the amount of tickets bought by a player. [INTEGER]

<Lottery>_signs is saving the location of all Lottery specific signs

  1. 01. Location - Represents the signs location. [VARCHAR] (<World>_<X>_<Y>_<Z>)

<Lottery>_last_winners is saving the last winners of the lottery

  1. Player - Represents the players UUID. [VARCHAR/UUID]
  2. Amount - Represents the amount the player won. [DOUBLE]
  3. Date - Represents the Date he won. [TIMESTAMP]