FamoustLottery v6.0


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    Jul 31, 2015
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1



FamoustLottery v6.0

!!!WARNING!!! This version is meant to be a test version for finding bug's and/or preparing your Server for the multi-lottery system.

What changed? A whole lot of the plugin needed to be rewritten to implement a multi-lottery-system. Other missions were to get a faster lottery handling and a quicker configuration.


  • Creation of multiple lottery's are now available
  • Created a Add command on the wish of McOnePeace(http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/McOnePeace/) The command implements a way to add money from a player balance to the pot.
  • Implemented a create command to create Lottery's with no lenght limit's (Some char's can cause a deletion if they placed at the end/start of a name. Including: '.' , ''')
  • Also added a delete command to delete a Lottery (!!!Warning!!! Currently the player's wont get their money back if the deletion takes place when opened.)
  • Created a edit command to implement a ingame configuration for each lottery.(How to work with this will be explained later)
  • Command last and info is now showing the information for the given lottery (Global statistic's for last is comming later on)
  • Removed buy and last sign.
  • Information sign completly changed. You are now able to delete the sign through sneaking + clicking and it now implement's a buy function on click.

What happen's with the old lottery? You need to delete all old files from the older version's. But you are able to move the list of last winner's to a new created lottery with copying and pasting while the Server is down.

Some messages are white and/or I'm unable to change them? In this version some message's are hardcoded but will be translateable later on. Mostly these messages only available to admin's so none of your user's will see them ;)

I only want to have one lottery. Does this work and dont use more ram? With the new system I can say even 2-3 lottery's are faster than the old one. And it's your decision on how much lottery's you want to create ;)

So how can I create a Sign? Well you just need to write [Lottery] in the first line and the lottery name in the second one.

You said above that you would explain the configuration-system? Yes. Now I'll explain how the new ingame configuration work's ;) At first, befor you're able to edit, you need to create at least one lottery else it wont work.

When you the use /lottery edit you'll see a inventory with collored wool:

  • Red - Lottery is Closed
  • Yellow - Lottery is currently inactiv
  • Green - Lottery is activ (should be unable to click on)

The name of the lottery is placed as item name and can be seen on mouse over.

Green: First value you can see is the amount of player's playing, second the current Jackpot and the third the current time.

Yellow: Yellow just has one value and show's the current time.

If the lottery isn't green you're able to click on the item and it open's a new Inventory with the name Configuration: <Lottery> It contain's all configurateable field's.

  • @int - You need to type an Integer into the chat (int = 1)
  • @double - You need to type a Double into the chat (double= 1.00)
  • @switch - Changes the current status of a function

Runtime(int): Changes the current time when the lottery is open and activ.

Delay(int): Changes the current time when the lottery is open and inactiv.

Economy(switch): Changes the use of Vault or Item's as payment

Price(int/double): Changes the current price for a Ticket(If you dont use Economy this is also a multiplicator for the Items you set later)

Item: Changes the current Item. If you click on this item it'll change the item to the current Item which you have in your hand.

max. Tickets P. (int): Changes the amount of max Ticket's by Player.

max. Tickets (int): Changes the amount of max Ticket's the lottery have.

min. Tickets (int): Changes the minimum of Ticket's the players have to buy till they're able to win.

min. Players (int): Changes the minimum of playing Players till they're able to win.

Jackpot chance (int): Changes the chance of a Jackpot move into the next round.

Broadcast Buy(switch): Changes if the buy of ticket's get broadcasted or not.

Broadcast Draw(int): Changes the time when a reminder get's sended to every playing Player befor the lottery get's drawn.