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    Apr 23, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.2-R0.1
  • CB 1.5.1-R0.2


HUGELY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are updating from a 1.6.x release to this one, there are several things you really really should know going into it. Read more in our FAQ here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Existing plugin users who are updating to this version from an older 1.8.x or 1.7.x release will likely need to grant default permissions for recruits, like so:
/f config factionPermDefaults door recruit
/f config factionPermDefaults button recruit
/f config factionPermDefaults lever recruit
/f config factionPermDefaults build recruit

NOTE: keep in mind there is still almost no documentation yet for the many changes included beyond the 1.6.x branch, beyond those in the change logs for this and previous 1.7.x+ alpha and beta releases in our file list. A few features from the 1.6 branch have been removed and may not be returning. You additionally will not be able to safely downgrade from a 1.7/1.8 release back to a 1.6 release as the data structure has changed. Based on these reasons, updating from an existing 1.6.x release should probably be tested out before updating a public server.

Updates made to both branches:

  • Money transfers and deposits which failed (possible with some economy plugins) would simply lose the money; now the initiator is refunded and notified of the failure. (by jastice)
  • Update to our obsidian generator exploit prevention code (via config option "handleExploitObsidianGenerators") to address newer method involving tripwire strings instead of redstone.
  • New permission factions.claim.radius (granted to all players by default), which is now required in order to specify a radius with the claim command.
  • Additional Exception catching for some further errors which can occur when loading JSON files.
  • New setting "saveToFileEveryXMinutes" (default 30.0) to configure how often (in minutes) all data is automatically saved to disk. Setting it to 0 or lower will disable automatic data saving so that it only saves when shutting down (not recommended).
  • Additional safety check to make sure data saving can't run multiple iterations simultaneously; this might have been the cause of some reports of corrupted data.
  • AutoLeaveTask is now throttled to only spend a certain amount of time per server tick on removing inactive players, to prevent it from potentially choking very large servers. This amount of time can be specified by the new setting "autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick" (default 5ms, 10% of a server tick).

Updates specific to the 1.8 branch:

  • We now use the standard Bukkit command handling system. Doing so removes the possiblility for dynamic command alias assignment and the ability to use slashless commands, but makes factions compatible with all other plugins doing stuff like blocking commands from being used (AntiGuest, NoCheatPlus, War etc) and plugins that log command useage (Hawkeye etc). (Olof)
  • Added recruit role for factions. The recruit role's goal is to enable factions to invite new members without being afraid of getting griefed instantly. Added configuration option "factionRankDefault" for default rank of newly joined faction members (default RECRUIT, but it can be set to any supported rank). Added /f promote and /f demote commands (require factions.promote and factions.demote permissions respectively, granted by default), which leaders and officers can use to increase or decrease the rank of a faction member by one level, up to officer, or down to recruit. (by jastice)
  • Faction members can now be rewarded with money (through economy) every day for every territory plot they control divided among all the players in the faction. New config options "econLandRewardTaskRunsEveryXMinutes" (default 20.0) to determine how often rewards are given, and "econLandReward" (default 0.0, disabled) to determine how much money per territory plot is rewarded each time. (by AEtherSurfer)
  • Explosion protection can now be granted to factions which have all members offline. New config options "protectOfflineFactionsFromExplosions" (default false) which can be enabled to provide this protection, and "offlineExplosionProtectionDelay" (default 2.0) which determines how many minutes need to pass after the last member goes offline before the explosion protection kicks in. (mostly by squidicuzz)
  • Added trapped chest, hopper, and dropper to recognized container list.

New conf.json settings:
"saveToFileEveryXMinutes": 30.0, how often all data is automatically saved to disk; setting to 0 disables
"autoLeaveRoutineMaxMillisecondsPerTick": 5, the number of milliseconds per server tick to throttle the task which removes inactive players
"factionRankDefault": "RECRUIT", the initial rank of newly joined faction members
"econLandRewardTaskRunsEveryXMinutes": 20.0, how often money (through economy) is rewarded to players for the amount of territory controlled by their faction
"econLandReward": 0.0, how much money per territory plot is rewarded each time; setting to 0 disables
"protectOfflineFactionsFromExplosions": false, can be enabled to provide explosion protection to the territory of factions which have all members offline
"offlineExplosionProtectionDelay": 2.0, how many minutes need to pass after the last member goes offline before offline explosion protection kicks in