1.5.9 BETA (ZIP)


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    Oct 16, 2011
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1317
  • CB 1240


  • Complete overhaul of project to have it use MassiveCraftCore (by Olof)
  • All of our permissions have completely changed, so you will need to update them. Each command now has its own permission, and to make it simpler there are permission kits defined which provide varying levels of access to them. (by Olof)
  • Added ally chat, to complement faction chat; the /f c command now rotates between public, faction, and ally chat modes (by eXeC64)
  • Added faction banks, which can be used to pay for things if you have economy support enabled (by eXeC64)
  • Moderators can now affect themselves (by eXeC64)
  • Direct support for iConomy5 and EssentialsEco removed; Register plugin is required for integration with any economy plugin (by Olof)
  • Smoke effect added to /f home teleportation (by Olof)
  • Faction bank commands consolidated under new /f money command (by Olof)
  • Support for the CAPI channel chat plugin (by Olof)
  • /f help command output updated (by Olof)
  • New Spout features, for Spoutcraft client users only: current territory info will now be permanently shown at top of screen, instead of being echoed out to chat as you move around. Similarly, the list of owners for the current territory (if there are any set) will be displayed there as well. An additional centered notice will briefly pop up on your screen when you move between territories controlled by different factions, to be sure you notice the transition. (by Brettflan)
  • New conf.json setting "territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline" (default true). As might be expected, this will prevent endermen from removing or placing blocks in the territory of a faction which has no members online. (by Brettflan)
  • Added endermen, cave spiders, and silverfish to no-spawn list for safe zones, and added fence gates (FENCE_GATE) to default protected materials lists (by Brettflan)
  • Autoclaim mode is now disabled when a player is removed from a faction (whether leaving, being kicked, or whatever) (by Brettflan)
  • Fix for ownership being potentially ignored by allies, depending on settings (by Brettflan)
  • Fix for /f disband indicating a random player if command came from console (by Brettflan)
  • Fix for factions being able to potentially set relations with safe zone or war zone (though it didn't do anything, of course) (by Brettflan)
  • Added 3 new hookable functions to main Factions class, for use by other plugins: boolean isPlayerAllowedToBuildHere(Player player, Location location), boolean isPlayerAllowedToInteractWith(Player player, Block block), and boolean isPlayerAllowedToUseThisHere(Player player, Location location, Material material) (by Brettflan)
  • When a player is kicked from their faction by the autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity routine, the rest of their stored data is now dropped as well (by Brettflan)
  • When a player is banned from the server, they will now be kicked from their faction and have their stored data removed (only works on CB 1240 or newer) (by Brettflan)

New commands:
/f money b,balance [faction=yours] - show faction bank balance
/f money d,deposit <amount> [faction=yours] - deposit money into faction bank
/f money w,withdraw <amount> [faction=yours] - withdraw money from faction bank
/f money ff <amount> <faction> <faction> - transfer money from faction to faction
/f money fp <amount> <faction> <player> - transfer money from faction to player
/f money pf <amount> <player> <faction> - transfer money from player to faction

New options in conf.json:
"baseCommandAliases": [
- list of command aliases for Factions; normally just "f" (thus /f)
"allianceChatFormat": "§d%s:§f %s", - format to display ally chat messages in, much like factionChatFormat
"homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectEnabled": true, - show smoke effect when player teleports to faction home
"homesTeleportCommandSmokeEffectThickness": 3.0, - thickness of smoke effect
"territoryDenyEndermanBlocksWhenOffline": true, - prevent endermen from removing or placing blocks in the territory of a faction which has no members online
"spoutTerritoryDisplayPosition": 3, - set the screen position at which the current territory is shown. 0 = disabled, 1 = top left, 2 = top center, 3 (default) = top right
"spoutTerritoryDisplaySize": 1.0, - font scale (size) for the territory and owner displays at the top of the screen
"spoutTerritoryDisplayShowDescription": true, - whether to show the faction description in the territory display, instead of just the faction tag
"spoutTerritoryOwnersShow": true, - whether to show the owner list under the territory display, instead of outputting it to chat
"spoutTerritoryNoticeShow": true, - whether to show the territory change notice
"spoutTerritoryNoticeTop": 40, - vertical offset for territory change notice; 0 = top of screen, 240 = below the bottom of screen
"spoutTerritoryNoticeShowDescription": false, - whether to show the faction description in the territory change notice, instead of just the faction tag
"spoutTerritoryNoticeSize": 1.5, - font scale (size) for the territory notice
"spoutTerritoryNoticeLeaveAfterSeconds": 2.0, - how many seconds to show the territory change notice before it goes away
"econEnabled": false, - if set to true and Register plugin is available, economy integration will be enabled
"econUniverseAccount": "", - when money is paid or gained by a player, that money amount will be conversely removed from or added to this account
"bankEnabled": true, - enable faction banks
"bankMembersCanWithdraw": false, - have to be at least moderator to withdraw or pay money to another faction, unless this is set to true
"bankFactionPaysCosts": true, - if true, payments for faction command costs are charged to faction bank
"bankFactionPaysLandCosts": true, - if true, payments for land claims are charged to faction bank

All current permissions (old permissions are gone):
factions.kit.admin - All faction permissions.

factions.kit.mod, factions.config, factions.lock, factions.reload, factions.save

factions.* - This is just an alias for factions.kit.admin


factions.kit.mod - All faction permissions but configuration and persistance.

factions.kit.halfmod, factions.disband.any, factions.setpermanent, factions.setpeaceful, factions.sethome.any, factions.money.*

factions.kit.halfmod - Zones, bypassing, and kicking

factions.kit.fullplayer, factions.managesafezone, factions.managewarzone, factions.bypass, factions.kick.any, factions.ownershipbypass

factions.kit.fullplayer (granted by default) - Can also create new factions.

factions.kit.halfplayer, factions.create

factions.kit.halfplayer - Can do all but create factions.

factions.admin, factions.autoclaim, factions.chat, factions.claim, factions.deinvite, factions.description, factions.disband, factions.help, factions.home, factions.invite, factions.join, factions.kick, factions.leave, factions.list, factions.map, factions.mod, factions.money.kit.standard, factions.noboom, factions.open, factions.owner, factions.ownerlist, factions.power, factions.power.any, factions.relation, factions.sethome, factions.show, factions.tag, factions.title, factions.version, factions.unclaim, factions.unclaimall

factions.money.kit.standard - Basic faction bank interaction.

factions.money.balance, factions.money.balance.any, factions.money.deposit, factions.money.withdraw, factions.money.f2f, factions.money.f2p, factions.money.p2f

factions.money.* - Admin-level interaction with all faction banks.

factions.money.kit.standard, factions.money.balance.any, factions.money.deposit, factions.money.withdraw, factions.money.withdraw.any, factions.money.f2f, factions.money.f2p, factions.money.p2f

Individual permissions:
factions.admin - hand over your admin rights
factions.autoclaim - auto-claim land as you walk around
factions.bypass - enable admin bypass mode
factions.chat - change chat mode
factions.claim - claim the land where you are standing
factions.config - change a conf.json setting
factions.create - create a new faction
factions.deinvite - remove a pending invitation
factions.description - change the faction description
factions.disband - disband a faction
factions.disband.any - disband an other faction
factions.help - display a help page
factions.home - teleport to the faction home
factions.invite - invite a player to your faction
factions.join - join a faction
factions.kick - kick a player from the faction
factions.kick.any - kick anyone from any faction
factions.leave - leave your faction
factions.list - see a list of the factions
factions.lock - lock all write stuff
factions.managesafezone - claim land as a safe zone and build/destroy within safe zones
factions.managewarzone - claim land as a war zone and build/destroy within war zones
factions.map - show the territory map, and set optional auto update
factions.mod - give or revoke moderator rights
factions.money.balance - show your factions current money balance
factions.money.balance.any - show money balance for factions other than your own
factions.money.deposit - deposit money into a faction bank
factions.money.withdraw - withdraw money from your faction bank
factions.money.withdraw.any - withdraw money from your factions other than your own
factions.money.f2f - transfer money from faction to faction
factions.money.f2p - transfer money from faction to player
factions.money.p2f - transfer money from player to faction
factions.noboom - toggle explosions (peaceful factions only)
factions.open - switch if invitation is required to join
factions.owner - set ownership of claimed land
factions.ownerlist - list owner(s) of this claimed land
factions.ownershipbypass - bypass ownership restrictions within own faction's territory
factions.setpeaceful - designate a faction as peaceful
factions.setpermanent - designate a faction as permanent
factions.power - show player power info
factions.power.any - view an other players power level
factions.relation - set relation wish to another faction
factions.reload - reload data file(s) from disk
factions.save - save all data to disk
factions.sethome - set the faction home
factions.sethome.any - set faction home for another faction
factions.show - show faction information
factions.tag - change the faction tag
factions.title - set or remove a players title
factions.version - see the version of the plugin
factions.unclaim - unclaim the land where you are standing
factions.unclaimall - unclaim all of your factions land

Beta, not a stable release