Multiworld support #18

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser9840713
  • _ForgeUser12942229 created this issue Jan 12, 2014

    1)  I should be able to make an elevator that can take mobs/items/players/minecarfts to different worlds. (almost like a portal and lame permissions but epic) So have a big tunnel and make make an elevator that goes faster than normal (add flashing lights) and boom in another world!

    2) I should also be able to have elevators that can work like escalators. So the player pushes a button the the blocks under them lift and move to the destination (but back at the start the blocks respawn so you can have more than one elevator moving on the same one way rail) The elevator now arrives and moves into the ground and despawns.

    3) Tease us with a video or 2.

  • _ForgeUser12942229 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 12, 2014

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