
Electric Fence

Originally written by darksoft, this is a plugin to mimic Electric Fences. When a fence is powered by redstone, it shocks players when they get near or when they touch it. That's it. If you do not want to be shocked, op yourself or give yourself the 'ElectricFence.bypass' Permission node.

Copyright stuff: I have received permission from darksoft to continue this plugin. If you need to see the pm he sent me I'd gladly submit it. Prior to that, EvilSeph said I could continue it as long as darksoft remained inactive and there were no copyright claims.


Disclaimer: This project includes bStats (https://bstats.org/), a way of collecting anonymous usage statistics. It can be disabled by setting "enableMetrics" to false in the configuration file. A full list of what data is being collected can be found here: https://bstats.org/getting-started. The collected information will be publicly available, but will be entirely anonymized. 


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