dose not Create Files and folders #116

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser6956315
  • _ForgeUser12297544 created this issue Sep 22, 2013

    What version of DynamicEconomy are you using?:

    Try to explain how to arrive at the problem:
    1) I got Vault first , Im already using essentials , and then got Dynamic econ.
    2)The plugin when i start it Dose not Create a config file on restart or no matter what i do.
    3)The plugin Jar seems to work but Act like there is missing files its trying to find.. example /dyneco command give me a responce of /dynamicecon (pages)

    and all commands I give , i get the same msg (i am server owner)

    Please paste the error log, if any. (Also provide DynamicEconomy log)

    Please add a screenshot or video, this is also very helpful.

  • _ForgeUser12297544 added the tags New Defect Sep 22, 2013

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