Diamond count V 3.0


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  • Uploaded
    May 2, 2013
  • Size
    19.33 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.5.2


V 3.0
* Recoded the plugin.
* Added Factions compability.
* Economy compability
* Added checking per day function.
* Mcstats tracking.

V 2.5.1:
* Bugfixing:
* Fixed error when you run the plugin without the playerdata.yml
* Fixed error when doing /diamond on the console

V 2.5:
* Seperate file for player data
* Copy the players you already have in your config.yml file to playerdata.yml

V 2.4:
*Update checking, can be disabled in the config.

V 2.3:
* Vault compatibility (permissions)

V 2.2:
* Added chance option
* This will allow you to give players extra diamonds when they mine, you can disable this.
* Chance is the whole feature.
* Chanceper(cent) the chance of people getting extra diamond
* Luckymsg the message displayed when you get extra diamonds
* Diamondamount the diamonds you get when you are lucky

V 2.1.1:
* Fixed the startup of the plugin

V 2.1:
*Permissions added

V 2:
*Added command to check how many diamonds players have mined
*Feature for not logging the blockbreak in creative mode works (Can be disabled in the config)
*Added message for 100 diamonds mined (Can be disabled in the config)

V 1:
* None yet