
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This plugin is similar to the Death-System of Diablo 2 (and many other RPG games). If you die it will put down a chest at your feet and your whole inventory gets stored in this chest. But this only works if you have enough chests in your inventory (or if you have certain permissions).

This chest is also saved against every player-based attack. So nobody could loot you while you're walking back to your death point. And also the chest doesn't despawn after time.


  • Drop a chest upon death if you have one in your inventory and save your inventory from being destroyed
  • Your chest gets signed with your name if there is space for a sign (either on the side or on the top)
  • Shift (Sneak) + click the DeathChest to easily reeqiup your inventory
  • Protect your items from griefers and other hazards. Nobody can steal your stuff while you're dead.
    • Chest gets unlocked after a defineable time (prevent with per player permissions)
    • After unlocking the chest you can define a time after this the chest automaticaly gets destroyed (spills content on ground)


Just give yourself the permission deathchest.use and carry a chest around to save your items upon death.


Permission NodeDefaultDescription
deathchest.adminopAllows access to the /deathchest command
deathchest.breakothersfalseAllows to loot or break the DeathChest of others
deathchest.usetrueAllows the usage of DeathChests
deathchest.use.freefalseYou don't need to carry chests with you to use this plugin
deathchest.use.signtruePuts a name-sign on your DeathChest if possible
deathchest.use.pvptrueIf this is set, players will also drop a DeathChest if they are killed by a player
deathchest.use.xptrueIf this permission is set, the XP will also be saved (if set in config)
deathchest.use.noTimeoutopRemoves the Timeout-feature for a specific permission-group if set
deathchest.compasstrueAllows the usage of the
/dc compass


For every command you need the deathchest.admin permision-node! The main command is "/deathchest", but you can also use "/dc". In the table below there are only the first arguments listed, that defines the command. /deathchest <subcommand> [argument1, ...]

reloadReloads the configuration of the plugin
infoversionShow information about the plugin version
clear[playername]Clears the DeathChest-Dictionary (removes protection and Sneak+Click-Support)
If there is a playername provided it only removes the chests of this player
compassPoints your compass to one (the first not picked up) of your DeathChests


This describes the content of the config.yml:

general.autosavePeriod900This defines the period (in seconds) when the DeathChest-Dictionary gets autosaved
general.timeout900The timeout period in seconds. After this period, the chest is accessable to everyone
general.pickupEmptyfalseIf set to true, DeathChests will be picked up as soon as they are emptied (after a defineable Timeout)
general.emptyTimeout5Time in seconds. After this duration the chests will be automatically put into the players inventory
general.saveXPtrueThis must be set or the save-Xp-function won't work
general.saveXPRation0.75Percentage of the experience level that will be kept upon death
general.fullVanish3600Time in seconds. After this amount of time AFTER the lock timeout the chest gets destroyed (0 disables this feature)
Additional Information:

Please tell me any bugs you find and every feature you miss!

Planed feature:

  • Define how many gold you loose upon death
    • Addition: Gold needed for a deathchest
  • Also save your XP-Points inside the chest (Release them at picking up the chest)
  • Command to let your compass point to your chest

Frequently reported errors:

If you get an error like:
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: ... : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
Update your Java to 1.7 your are using 1.6 or lower!


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