CustomHealth v0.6.1


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  • Uploaded
    Nov 20, 2013
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    45.34 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.6.4-R2.0


0.7 for CB 1.6.4 is out


- [FIX] Adding hearts to the player works as expected
- [FIX] max-food-level will be applied after player respawns
- [FIX] Update will be searched at plugin start-up, removed server-lag, warns about REAL updates

Also minor change in the help.txt file, set potion names to upper-case and replaced white-space in between those names with underscores.


[ link ]
- [ADD] New effects! (now separated from potion effects) List of effects
- [ADD] /ch rename <from> <to> will let you rename world configuration files
- [CHG] Missing parameters, food items or sections in the world configuration will be ignored
- [CHG] max-food-level in settings-section is always active now if an acceptable value is put in
- [CHG] Data values of items now stated with an "@" (enchanted golden apple -> golden_apple@1)
- [CHG] /ch plugin will check, if an update is available (can be disabled in config.yml)
- [CHG] /ch reset asks for confirmation now

- [REM] /ch set temporarily removed, working on a better way to use it
- [REM] /ch info command removed
- [REM] Messages in config.yml removed
- [FIX] Inventory bug fixed for the most part (the only problem now)
- [FIX] max-food-level in settings-section working correctly
- [FIX] Setting duration for potion effects working correctly
- [FIX] Stability and performance has been enhanced a lot


[ link ]
- [CHG] Worlds now grouped together. /ch create [amount] to create new config files.


[ link ]
- [ADD] Multiple worlds! Edit settings and values for each individual world!
- [ADD] Effect -1 removes all effects from the player
- [ADD] milk_bucket added to the config


[ link ]
- [ADD] Random values, separated with min/max
- [ADD] Customizable max food value when change-food-level is false
- [ADD][BETA] Custom items with custom values via /ch set
- [FIX] Bunch of little bugs when change-food-level is set to false
- [FIX] /ch reload caused some issues in special cases


[ link ]
- [ADD] Food saturation customizable
- [ADD] Give XP values to the player when eating food
- [CHG] /ch info command shows information about the food item again
- [CHG] /ch plugin shows you the information about the plugin
- [REM] Set command caused too many formatting problems, deleted it for now
- [FIX] Setting the "change-food-level" to false works now correctly
- [FIX] Difference between a normal golden apple and an enchanted golden apple is clear now
- [FIX] Checking for permissions when using the tab auto-complete feature


[ link ]
- [FIX] NullPointerException when right-clicking air
- [FIX] Setting food values and reloading the plugin updates everything now correctly


[ link ]
- [ADD] Configuration partly in-game editable
- [ADD] Reset command (resets all hearts and food values)
- [ADD] Info command (shows information about the plugin)
- [ADD] Tab auto-complete feature included
- [CHG] Info command renamed into the get command
- [FIX] Cake eating
- [FIX] Potion probability


[ link ]
- First release

[ADD] - Addition - [CHG] - Change - [REM] - Removed / Deleted - [FIX] - Bug fix