Crown Conquerors

Did you ever want to play Crown Conquest?

Crown Conquerors

The best plugin for Crown Conquest


  • Crown Conquest fully working (including: all game mechanics, like the crown perks)!
  • Special items with abilities (fire staff, voodoo doll, freeze staff, ninja stars)!
  • Configurable times for enabling PvP, dropping the crowns and automatically ending the game!
  • Optional automation and autostart when performing '/cc join'!
  • Economy support (Vault) for rewards!
  • Coloured names for crown carriers!
  • Ranking (points) & ranking signs!
  • Commands can be blocked in-game!
  • Chests automatically refill!
  • Multiple customisable arena's (set a lobby, set a respawn locations, set the spawn points, set the end point, set the crown drop locations)!

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1./cc start <arena name>Starts a timer - the game will start in 180 seconds.
2./cc instant <arena name>Instantly starts a game of Crown Conquest.
3./cc join <arena name>Join a game of Crown Conquest.
4./cc leaveLeave a game of Crown Conquest.
5./cc kick <user>Kick an user from Crown Conquest.
6./cc playerspawnpoint < 1 / 2 / 3 .. >Set a player spawn point for Crown Conquest (max. 24)
7./cc crownpoint < 1 / 2 / 3>Set a crown drop point for Crown Conquest (max. 3)
8./cc chestpoint <1 / 2>Set the a point of the chest cuboid with this command; all chests within the chest cuboid will be automatically filled.
9./cc respawnpointSet a lobby point. (max. 1)
10./cc lobbypointSet a respawn point. (max. 1)
11./cc endpointSet the end point of the game - if you have a crown, you should go here. (max. 1)
12./cc refill <arena name>Manually refill all chests.
13./cc create <arena name>Create an arena.
14./cc topDisplays the five best players and their amount of points.
15./cc buy <offer name>Buy an item from the shop with this command. The shop is optional, see below if you want to use this feature.


1.crownconquest.commandRequired for any '/cc' command.
2.crownconquest.adminAllows the user to modify respawn, spawn, lobby, crown drop points & allows the user to start or stop the game & allows the user to kick players & allows the user to use commands during Crown Conquest.
3.crownconquest.joinRequired to join a game of Crown Conquest.
4.crownconquest.leaveRequired to leave a game of Crown Conquest.
5.crownconquest.signRequired to be able to display your score on ranking signs (see below on how to make these).
6.crownconquest.buyRequired to buy items from the (optional) shop.


1.pvpsecondsAfter how many seconds PvP will be enabled. Example: 120
2.crowndropsecondsAfter how many seconds the crowns will drop. Example: 300
3.endsecondsAfter how many seconds the game should automatically end. Example: 900
4.colourtabWhether you want to have the names of crown carrying players coloured gold in the tab or not. Example: true
5.economy: useWhether you want to use economy support or not. Requires Vault. Example: true
6.economy: win/kill/participateThe amount of money you want to give to a player for winning the game / participating / killing another player. Example: 500
7.autostartWhether you want to autostart the game on an user using '/cc join' or not. Example: true
8.points: win/kill/participateThe amount of points you want to give to a player for winning the game / participating / killing another player. Example: 25
9.shopWhether you want to use the 'shop' feature for the game, or not. See below on how use this. Example: true

How do I make a ranking sign?

That's pretty simple! Simply place a sign somewhere, and use this text layout:

Line 1: Crown Score

Line 2: <empty>

Line 3: <empty>

Line 4: <empty>

Now, when a player, with the permission "crownconquest.sign" right clicks this sign, his score will be displayed on it. When another player with this permission clicks it, the score & name on the sign will be changed to this player's data.

How do I add items to the (optional) shop?

First, you will need to set 'shop' to 'true' in the config.yml. Then, you will need to head to the shop.yml. The way you add items to your 'shop', is like so (please ignore the dots):

. stonesword:

... price: 25

... itemid: 272

... amount: 1

Now, when a player types '/cc buy stonesword', the plugin will take 25 from him. He will receive one stone sword when the game starts. The player will need the permission ''. Perks (potion effects for the beginning of the game) will be added soon. Note that using this shop is completely optional, you don't have to if you don't want to.

Help! I need a map!

Don't feel like building your own map? There's a good replica of the official Yogscast map available here: click!


1. Put the 'CrownConquest.jar' in your plugins folder.

2. Run the plugin.

4. First use /cc create <arena name> in your arena world to create an arena.

5. Then use /cc playerspawnpoint <1, 2, 3, 4 ...> , /cc crownpoint <1, 2, 3> , /cc endpoint , /cc lobbypoint , /cc chestpoint <1 , 2> and /cc respawnpoint to set all locations correctly.

6. Please remember the following:

  • This is not a protection plugin; your arena won't be protected automatically. I suggest using Worldguard.
  • Do not touch the 'dump.yml' file.

Special Items

1.CrownGold helmetAfter picking this up, you will automatically equip it. Not unequipable. You will have fire resistance, but you will also be slower. If you take this item to the endpoint, you will win the game.
2.Fire staffGold hoeRight-click with this item to shoot a fireball. Costs hunger.
3.Freeze staffDiamond hoePunch someone with this item to freeze him for some time. Costs hunger.
4.Voodoo dollShearsRight-click with this item to use your voodoo magic on other people. Costs hunger.
5.Ninja starSnowballThrow this item at someone to damage them. Costs: hunger. Damage: 2 hearts per star.

Upcoming features

  • Multiple arenas, arenas in non-separated worlds. Added!
  • A command to see the information about an arena (/cc checkdata).
  • Better /cc setplayerspawn, /cc setchestpoint & /cc setcrownspawn commands. Added! See the 'Commands' section!
  • Teams (partners), will be configurable of course.
  • Being teleported a few seconds before the game starts, but not being able to move (like in 'The Survival Games' plugin).
  • Games automatically start when the first player joins (configurable). Added!
  • Starting message will be broadcasted to the whole server. Added!
  • Configurable chest loot.
  • Suggestions? Feel free to post them in the comments!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 22, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 10, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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