Hey you seem to be on top of things, so I thoug... #3

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to boydti
  • boydti created this issue Feb 16, 2014

    Hey you seem to be on top of things, so I thought I might share some feature suggestions.

    Right or left clicking with a compass to activate certain commands or cycle through modes/options would be cool.

    Also the ability to switch modes without losing the data from the other modes would be nice, so you could switch back to the other mode and still have your setting, such as coordinates or a player name.

    Separate ranges for the modes might be good, because I assume some modes like spawn and bed and death don't cause lag, whereas nearest player probably does?

  • boydti added the tags Accepted Enhancment Feb 16, 2014
  • boydti posted a comment Feb 16, 2014

    I will be able to add a history, maybe /compass history /compass previous /compass next

    The plugin is mostly run on a separate thread so it shouldn't cause much lag anyway. I will consider having different ranges for things as finding spawn is routine whereas tracking players isn't.

    Edited Feb 22, 2014

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