Suggestions #18

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8359299
  • _ForgeUser13127435 created this issue Mar 9, 2014

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    1: Editing, As an op who set a per player chest, you have to break or set the chest to a different type before editing the contents.
    There should be a command or way to edit the chest without doing so. /perplayerchange
    2: Arrows shot from inf dispensers should have an option to toggle so that you can't pick them up like infinity or skeleton arrows, a player  could set off an arrow dispenser as many times as they want and have enough to kill everyone on the server a hundred times over.
    3: Alternative "Container" regeneration , being able to regen other "containers" like enchanting tables , brewing stands, trapped chest, anvil, furnaces, droppers and hoppers. Just imagine the surprise someone gets from the realism of getting potions from a brewing stand or a sword off an anvil or the thought of "stealing" iron from a furnace.
    4:Command editing , like /chestchange [slotnumber] [item] <durability>  <itemdata>
    5: The ability to see who opened chests recently : Sinx36 has opened this Chest 3 minutes ago. FlOppythp has opened this chest 1 minute ago The regen time is 5 minutes. Players with no cool down are not listed.
    6: I suppose this could be done with power tools but, you could make it so that if you right click a chest with an item it turns it into a regen chest

  • _ForgeUser13127435 added the tags New Enhancment Mar 9, 2014

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