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    Aug 12, 2013
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.2


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Added: SQLite support. You can now switch to an SQLite database simply by changing an option in the config.yml. Existing database will be converted.
Added: Option to delete accounts held by inactive users. config.yml has new option for the number of days an account can be inactive before being deleted (delete happens on next server restart or plugin reload).
Fixed: Some other minor bugs


Added: New numerical limited permissions (chestbank.limited.{limit})
Added: New config.yml option to set new limited permissions
Added: chestbank.limited.override permission for preventing unwanted limit inheritance
Added: Metrics
Fixed: Item dupe bug on server reload
Fixed: "You are not looking at a chest" / "chestbank" error when looking THROUGH torches, pressure plates etc


Changed: chests.yml has been completely rewritten to give more flexibility and readability (old data will be updated on first load)
Fixed: Startup errors for accounts containing items with certain ItemMeta types


Added: Support for Written Books, Item Names, Armour Colour and Map Data! (At last)
IMPORTANT: This build requires 1.4.5-R1.0 or above. Development and Beta builds are not supported


Fixed: /chest command always saying "No Permission"


Added: /chest command to open chestbanks on command
Tweak: /chestbank see can now be used without looking at a chest!
Added: extra argument to /chestbank see to allow viewing other networks


Fixed: NPE when using LogBlock (Inventories now assign an owner for logging) Added: Config option to turn all ChestBanks into Ender Chests on creation


TESTED working with Bukkit build #2281(Dev)
Changed: chestbank.use is now set to true by default to allow servers without a permissions plugin to use the default chestbank network
Fixed: Message saying you could not use chestbank commands when you clearly could!
Added: Config option for using network permissions


Added: Create/Use/Remove Permissions for specific named networks
Added: use_network_perms to config.yml to utilise new permisisons
(e.g chestbank.use.networks.banknet)
Thanks go to Technius for his input in getting this started


Fixed: Allowance for 'unsafe' enchantments


Removed: bankTidy() method (which cleans up orphaned banks and updated old data) as it was causing more problems than it fixed!


Fixed: Bug preventing removal of ChestBanks from Double Chests


Fixed: Bug where only the first enchantment was correctly saved on reload


Added: Implementation of chestbank.ignore permissions to ignore whitelist/blacklist limitations


Added: Whitelist/Blacklist option
Added: ChestBank creation fee option (REQUIRES VAULT)
Added: ChestBank usage fee option (REQUIRES VAULT)
Added: New permission nodes for the above
Added: New .* permissions for all permission types
Update: usage limits are now applied when the user clicks the item rather than on closing the ChestBank


Fixed: softdened for 'My Worlds' (not MyWorlds)


Added: SOFT dependency for MyWorlds, Multiverse and WhooshingWell to force them to load first


Fixed: NPE when opening chest for the first time
Tweak: Tidied listener code up a bit


Update: Now uses Bukkit's built in Inventory events Fixed: Newly created error when returning overflow inventory


INFO: This is a preliminary update, I am going to be releasing 1.3.1 soon with new event handlers
Fixed: Works with 1.1-R6 AND 1.2.2-R0.1 (#2010)


Another day, another build!
Update: Improved handling of network accounts
Fixed: NPE error relating to closing chests holding network accounts
Update: Greatly improved the limiting permissions handling
Fixed: Limiting permissions being incorrectly applied to the default network
Update: Items rejected are now returned to the users inventory rather than dropped on the floor
Fixed: A minor formatting error on a message
Fixed: Minor item dupe bug


Update: bankTidy function is now more robust an tidies all chests correctly
Update: Tidied general code format and renamed some functions for clarity
Update: Fixed some message format errors and one message appearing in the wrong place
Removed: Some deprecated code relating to missing world names... now handled by bankTidy on start-up
Fixed: Some NPE bugs hanging around from legacy code where world was missing


Fixed: NPE on start-up for servers who previously used a version prior to 1.2


Fixed: Limiting permission now work as expected (rather than only allowing everyone 1 slot)

1.2.2 (beta)


Fixed: .limited permissions to work without Spout!
Added: Custom events which fire on ChestBank open and ChestBank close(ish)!


Removed: Temporarily made slot limiting Spout dependant (optional) while I find a fix
Added: ChestBanks are now invulnerable to explosions
Added: Tidy up process to check for orphaned ChestBanks
Fixed: Some commands were returning as failed when they were successful
Fixed: Users who cannot use any /cb commands are now told so correctly
Fixed: NumberFormatException being caused by the isBankBlock method
Added: Permissions defaults of 'false' for .limited permissions


MAJOR update!

Added: ChestBank networks (Create multiple networks of Chestbanks with different inventories)
Added: Slot limiting (Set a number of item stacks a player can store in a ChestBank)
Added: config.yml file for settign limits
Added: "/cb info" command
Added: "/cb list" command
Added: New permissions for Networks, Limits and new commands
Fixed: Bugs relating to Multi-World servers and chests in the Nether/End
Fixed: Duplicated 'Enabled' message in the console
Changed: Minor ode structure changed due to swith from Eclipse to Netbeans


Update: Implemented new Bukkit API Listeners


Fixed: Enchantments now save correctly
Fixed: Events cancelled by other plugins are no longer processed
Fixed: Permission handling for "chestbank.use"

This build contains a critical error when NOT using sqlite.

Either switch to sqlite via config.yml or use a previous version.